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爱情是甜蜜的苦酒。Love is a sweet cup.

苦酒自己饮。Drink as you have brewed.

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自酿苦酒自己饮。One must drink as one brew.

那一杯苦酒,我甘愿饮下,赞美它。God gae for baptism, I am fain to drink.

朗姆味的水果苦酒鸡尾酒,原创的,与众不同的。Fruity-bitter cocktail based on rum, original and different.

加少量波士橘子苦酒,加冰块摇合,滤入玻璃杯。Add one dash of BOLS Bitter Orange and shake with ice. Strain.

加少量波士橘子苦酒,加冰块摇合,滤入玻璃杯。Add one dash of BOLS Bitter Orange. Shake with ice and strain.

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如果爱已变成苦酒,就毅然地放下执着。If the love becomes to the bitter wine, and put down determinedly.

因此,就是最好的爱情之杯中也盛着苦酒。Therefore, even the best cup of love contains the bitter wine too.

加少量波士橘子苦酒,加冰块摇合原料,加入冰块。Add one dash of BOLS Bitter Orange. Shake with ice. Strain and add ice.

我们不曾把欢乐彻底碾碎,从中酿出苦酒。We have not crushed the joy to the utmost to writing from it the wine of pain.

加冰搅合配方,滴入少量橘子苦酒,滤入冰过的杯子。Stri recipe with ice and a drop of orange bitters, then strain into chilled glass.

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杯里滴入苦酒和冰块,尽可能使用干姜啤酒。Coat inside of glass with Bitters, add ice then recipe, use Ginger Beer where available.

加少量波士橘子苦酒,加冰搅合原料,注满发泡白葡萄酒。Add one dash of BOLS Bitter Orange. Stir with ice and strain. Fill up with sparkling white wine.

咱们切不要吞饮仇恨酸楚的苦酒,来排除对于自由的饮渴。Let us not seek to satisfy our thellorst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

加冰块摇合原料滤入冰过的玻璃杯,注满波士橘子苦酒搅合,置入吸管和搅棒搅合。Shake with ice and strain. Fill up with BOLS Bitter Orange and stir. Serve with a straw and swizzle-stick.

加冰块摇合原料,滤入冰块。注满波士橘子苦酒搅合,置入吸管和搅棒。Shake with ice and strain over ice. Fill up with BOLS Bitter Orange and stir. Serve with a straw and swizzle-stick.

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外人看来他是高兴,可我知道他是在喝苦酒,故意要醉。The outsider sees to him is happy, can I know that he is drinking bitterness wine and intentionally wants to inebriate.

误解是欺骗酿造的苦酒。世界经得起误解,但容不得欺骗。Misunderstanding is the bitter wine brewed by cheating. The world can stand up to the test of misunderstanding but tolerate no cheating.

可是,这是她命中注定要喝的一杯苦酒,从而清偿与她毫不相关的罪过和愚蠢。This, however, formed a part of the bitter cup which she was doomed to drink , to atone for crimes and follies to which she had no accession.