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那把小刀切起来不利落。That knife doesn't cut clean.

这把刀切起来不利落。This knife doesn't cut cleanly.

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说你的刀锋还没有食欲利落。Thy edge should blunter be than appetite.

跳投不利落,运球没把握My jumpers not falling, my dribbles not sure.

屠夫的刀利落地把肉切开。The butcher 's knife cut cleanly through the meat.

张了张嘴连单音节也没法利落地说出。Opened mouth wouldn't even monosyllabic name cleanly.

写法真实事道破,言简意赅字利落。The real thing in writing, concise and comprehensive word neat.

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他转身回到一件整洁利落的牧人、说谎仍然在绿色的地面上。He turned back into a natty shepherd, lying still on the green ground.

他穿着一件咖啡色西装,以他的年龄来说,可算是动作利落,充满活力。He wore a brown suit and, for his age, moved precisely and energetically.

囤上一件利落的白衬衫保你不会后悔。Investing in a crisp, white dress shirt is something you'll never regret.

当然,圣诞年光不能完全没有利落索性的喝酒。And of course Christmas time wouldn't be complete without the perfect drink.

昨天,在东京的展览上她向人们展示了她利落的舞姿。And yesterday she showed off her neatest dance steps at an exhibition in Tokyo.

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雷诺斯身形瘦削、短发利落,一副很流行的中性扮相。With her lean frame and cropped hair, Lennox had a fashionably androgynous look.

她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人步伐。She went , with her neat figure , and her sober womanly step , down the dark street.

该机仍采用传统的直板造型设计,整体的设计风格显得简约利落。It is still using the traditional design, overall design parsimony appears to be agile.

一双粗壮而利落的手把他推转回去,悄悄地迅速地将他打发到人行道上。Strong and ready hands turned him about, sent him in silence and haste to the sidewalk.

现在,在季后赛中,湖人队变成了野蛮、利落、冷血的杀手。Now, in these playoffs, the Lakers have become brutal, efficient, and cold-blooded killers.

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把屋子也收拾利落了,二太太把个刚到一周岁的小泥鬼交给了他。The rooms cleaned up , the No. 2 wife thrust a muddy brat barely one year old into his arms.

干脆、利落、迅捷,丝毫没有拖泥带水的痕迹,这是理查德森的扣篮。Clear-cut, agile, fast, there is not a messy trace at all, this is dunking shot of Richardson.

同时,自然却利落地在我们身上套上我们所效忠的政党的囚犯号衣。Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.