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这是他最后的遗作了。This is the last posthumous issue.

不过有人推测是古代突厥人的遗作。But some presume they were made by Turks.

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这名已故作家的遗作不久将会出版。The swansong of the late writer will soon be published.

尼欧不想听迈克尔杰克逊的遗作专辑。Ne-Yo doesnt want to hear the posthumous Michael Jackson album.

然而到了第一张遗作专辑,却采用了不同的方法。With this first posthumous album, however, a different approach was taken.

他还想自己要不要写一篇遗作,继而对这个念头一笑置之。He wondered if he ought to write a swan-song, but laughed the thought away.

这名法国画家的遗作在拍卖中以很高价钱卖出。The French painter's swansong was sold at a very high price at the auction.

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遗作经季会明等整理成书,广泛流传。The works by the Ming quarter will be collated into a book, widely circulated.

经有关专家进行红外线和X射线鉴定,此画作被证实确为米开朗基罗的遗作。After infrared and X-ray examinations, experts proved it is the painting of Michelangelo.

山是古代受侵蚀海底的遗作,上载着秀美竹林和水稻梯田。The mountains are vestiges of ancient eroded seabeds that support graceful bamboo groves and terraced rice paddies.

古代伟大的哲学家很大程度上是因其遗作对后人产生影响而被铭记。The great philosophers of old are remembered largely by their posthumous contributions to dictionaries of quotations.

但我对我掌握的将收录在他第一张遗作专辑“迈克尔”中的信息充满信心。But I feel confident with what I have learned about the material poised to appear on his first posthumous album, Michael.

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文章叙述了柯布西耶遗作费尔米尼的圣皮埃尔教堂的设计与建造历程。This article documents the history of the design and construction of the Saint Piérre Church at Firminy, the posthumous work of Le Corbusier.

遗作有五十八篇演说稿和九百多封书信,还有许多诗作、哲学和政治论文,以及修辞学的书。His extant works include 58 orations and over 900 letters, as well as many poems, philosophical and political treatises, and books of rhetoric.

尽管1926年他死于车祸,圣家教堂几乎变成他的遗作,然而现在圣家教堂还在建造,它有希望于15年后建造完毕。The project became his life's work and even though he died in 1926, work on the building still continues to this very day, and is expected to for at least another 15 years.

1923年刘锡玲去世后,其遗作被全国和世界博物馆收藏,他的几幅指画精品珍藏于四川省博物馆。Since his passing away in 1923, his paintings have been collected by Chinese and overseas museums, and some refined works are now being treasured by Sichuan Provincial Museum.

由于迈克尔·杰克逊还有可观的版权收入和纪念品销售,再加上他的遗作电影刚首映,因此一年内赚到数百万美元不成问题。Michael Jackson will make millions of dollars a year because he has lucrative publishing rights, rights to all his memorabilia. There's still profits to be made from the movie.

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如果瑞典皇家科学院今年宁可勉强自己而犯禁也要判定斯坦曼的遗作应该得奖,那么,你就放心吧,像死这种小事,是挡不住“罗斯主义者”之路的。If the academy rules this year thatSteinman's estate should get the prize, ignoring its own rather egregiousmistake, you can bet that a little thing like death won't stand in theRothians' way.

如果瑞典皇家科学院今年宁可勉强自己而犯禁也要判定斯坦曼的遗作应该得奖,那么,你就放心吧,像死这种小事,是挡不住“罗斯主义者”之路的。If the academy rules this year thatSteinman’s estate should get the prize, ignoring its own rather egregiousmistake, you can bet that a little thing like death won’t stand in theRothians’ way.