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土地被称为不动产。Land is referred to as realty.

第三章是对不动产有偿转让税的研究。Chapter 3 studies estate transfer tax.

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金河和塔西斯不动产。" Gold " River real estate and "Tahsis.

他在不动产的投资上赚了钱。He cashed in on his real-estate investments.

保罗靠不动产投资赚了钱。Paul cashed in on his real-estate investments.

按揭贷款是一种用不动产作抵押的贷款。A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property.

预售在住房不动产购买行为中是一种常用的方式。Pre-sale of housing is a common approach to purchase.

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我不应该只是放弃现金、不动产和知识。I shouldn't just abandon money and property and knowledge.

⥯——全面落实不动产统一登记制度。Implementing unified system of registration for immovables.

一个好域名是互联网最有价值的不动产!A good domain name is the Internet's most valuable real estate!

不动产指的是土地及土地附着物。Real property is land and things immovably attached to the land.

不动产指的是土地以及土地上附着物。Real property is land and things immovably attached to the land.

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俄勒冈土地利用条例怎样影响不动产价值?How Have Land-use Regulations Affected Property values in Oregon?

政府征收不动产和动产税。The government levies taxes on real estate and personal property.

“不动产”包括土地和任何与土地有关的利益或地上附着物。"Real property" includes land and any interest or estate in land.

相反,他们把钱投资在诸如“枯燥”的不动产和短期债券上。They spend money on very dull things like real estate and T-bills.

更加频繁地对不动产进行重新估价如今已很平常。It is now usual to revalue property assets on a more regular basis.

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集体所有的其他不动产和动产。Other realties and chattels that are in the ownership of collective.

财产可分为不动产和动产两类。Property may be classified into real property and personal property.

旧殖民地不动产提供短期出租在Myrtle海滩和瑟夫赛德海滩。Old colony real short-term rentals in Myrtle Beach and Beach Surfside.