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眼下一个农学专业的毕业生能找到什么样的工作呢?What kind of a job can an aggie get these days?

贾思勰是一位有名的农学先驱。Jia Sixie is well-known as a pioneer in farming.

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研究结果目前仅在农学周刊出现。The findings have just appeared in Agronomy Journal.

贾思勰被认为是农学的先驱者之一。Jia Sixie is known as one of the pioneers of farming.

森林学与地理学、植物学和农学有关。Forestry appertains to geography , to botany, and to agriculture.

卡尔维诺先生进入了都灵大学学习农学。Mr. Calvino enrolled at the University of Turin, intending to study agronomy.

今天我还做了我所有的功课,艺术、农学和生活体验,我必须完成一个农学专题。On this day I did all of my homework., I did Art, Agriculture and Life Experience.

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西方近代农学则以还原论为基础,以实验、分析方法为特征。Western Agronomy is based on atomism and observes things by the way of experiment.

努力建立分子标记和农学特性之间的链锁。Efforts to establish linkages between molecular markers and traits of agronomic interest.

无机及分析化学是高等院校农学类各专业的基础课。The course of Inorganic & Analyze chemistry is foundamental courses of each agriculture major.

这是中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院的网站。This is the website of the college of agronomy and biotechnology, China Agricultural University.

使用包封方法形成农学活性物质的安全递送系统。A safe delivery system of agriculturally active material is formed using an encapsulation process.

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试验于2008年在黑龙江八一农垦大学林甸县吉祥村试验基地和农学实验室进行。Test in 2008 in Heilongjiang province Lindian County auspicious test base village and agronomic laboratories.

因此,为了赚取植物科学奖章,一个童子军可以选择农学,园艺,或田野植物学。Thus, to earn a Plant Science merit badge, a scout can choose between agronomy, horticulture, or field botany.

紫穗槐资源丰富,在医药及农学上应用广泛。Amorpha fruticosa L. is known for its abundant resources in nature and widely applied in medicine and agronomy.

侯加法教授1975年毕业于江苏农学院,1983年获农学硕士学位。Hou received his Bachelor's degree in 1975 and Master degree in Agronomy in 1983 from Jiangsu Agricultural College.

在武帝时代,军事、文化、天文、农学诸方面均成绩卓著。In his power, there showed a remarkable achievement in terms of military affairs, culture, astronomy and agriculture.

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我们或许可以从斯密和重农学派对于反高利贷法的同样态度来理解加里森的观点。Perhaps thetip-off on applying the Garrison insight is the common attitude of Smith andthe physiocrats on usury laws.

但是重农学派率先把自然权利与财产权利概念完整应用到了自由市场经济中。But thephysiocrats were the first to apply natural-rights and property-rights conceptsfully to the free-market economy.

我们或许可以从斯密和重农学派对于反高利贷法的同样态度来理解加里森的观点。Perhaps the tip-off on applying the Garrison insight is the common attitude of Smith and the physiocrats on usury laws.