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买苏木江·阿斯木说。Sum to buy the Aspen wood Jiang said.

苏木是中药吗?Is brazilwood Chinese traditional medicine?

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因为它是通过燃烧就苏木夜…As it was logwood burnin through the nights.

买苏木江·阿斯木急切地建议。Jiang sum to buy urgently recommended Aspen wood.

观察结果与病理切片苏木精-伊红染色结果吻合。The stain results were identical with that of H-E histological section.

人脑冠部经过苏木精和曙红染色。A coronal section of a human brain is stained with hematoxylin and eosin.

苏木精染色进行心脏组织学分析。Cardi ac histological analysis was performed by staining with hematoxylin.

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此外,肝活检可视化苏木精伊红染色。Furthermore, liver biopsies were visualized by hematoxylin and eosin staining.

组织病理学检查是用苏木质伊红染色。Histopathological examinations was performed using hematoxylin and eosin stain.

比如说经过加工的加拿大枫木比热带的印茄木和孪叶苏木的硬度还要高。Treated Canadian maple, for example, is harder than tropical merbau and jatoba.

高档苏木小提琴弓价格红牛角尾库高档马尾绕花丝。HE red violin bow horns against high tail end of libraries around the filaments.

部分脱钙切片苏木精-伊红染色观察结果。Observation of partial decalcified sections with hematoxylin and eosin staining.

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基苏木的商人阿吉纳说,这个事件激起了报复的呼声。A businessman in Kisumu, Israel Agina, says that incident has triggered calls for revenge.

苏木沟铜铅锌矿点具有岩浆热液稀土元素特征。The REE patterns are the magmatic hydrothermal characteristics in Sumugou Cu-Pb-Zn deposit.

氧化苏木精一种红褐色的晶体化合物,c16h12o6,用作。A reddish-brown crystalline compound, C16H12O6, used as an indicator and a biological stain.

第二部分论述了蒙文档案所反映的清代喀喇沁左旗苏木及苏木徭役。Second, It discusses the township and township corvee wicn were reflected by Mongol archives.

肝纤维化评分与苏木精和曙红和天狼星红染色后确定的。Hepatic fibrosis scores were determinate after staining with hematoxylin & eosin and sirius-red.

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苏木精-依红染色法于光镜下观察嗜中性白细胞浸润。The infiltration of neutrophils was observed by using Hematoxylin-Eosin staining with optical microscope.

我不会和比我小的人恋爱,我要嫁姓苏的,我的女儿要叫苏木。I will not, and people younger than I love, I would marry surnamed Su, and my daughter to be called the sum.

原材料采用巴西苏木、巴西木、碳素纤维、蛇木。We have Brazil wood bow, Carbon fiber bow and Snake wood bow, Spare parts and accessories are also available.