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躲猫猫新娘?Peekaboo bride?

新娘和新郎。Bride and groom.

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看看这些新娘.Look at those brides.

但这位新娘没有新郎。But there is no groom.

她现在是一个怪兽新娘。She is a bridezilla now.

新娘穿上晨袍。The Robing of the Bride.

你可以亲吻你的新娘!You may kiss your bride!

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新娘满脸微笑,容光焕发。The bride smiled radiantly.

年轻的新娘沉默了。The young bride was silent.

他们今天是新娘和新郎。They're the Bride and Groom.

他和未来的新娘见了面,双方父母做了交谈。They met, the parents talked.

梦幻仙翁是多姿的新娘!Seno is a splendid dream bride!

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那个新娘老师哭哭啼啼的。The bride does nothing but cry.

新娘穿着雪白的礼服。The bride was attired in white.

那些新娘们好厉害啊。Wow, those brides are so amazed.

新娘通常使用一根蓝丝带。Brides usually use a blue ribbon.

忘了新娘和新郎吧。Forget about the bride and groom.

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大伙向新娘新郎敬酒。Mazel tov to the bride and groom.

人们还可以向新娘投掷硬币。Small coins mey be thrown at her.

新娘,我们接你来了。Bride, we are here to welcome you.