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他们在保家卫国上做出许诺。They made a promise to our country to be its defenders.

至少银行就不能打着保家卫国的旗号,发国难财了。At least the banks would not be holding the whole country hostage.

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为什么不像岳飞一样血战沙场、保家卫国?Why are not like the bloody battle of Yue Fei and defend the motherland?

女性如今有能力打击犯罪,更能在战时保家卫国。Women now have the ability to fight crime and defend their countries in war.

历史上,功夫主要用来与敌人斗争,保家卫国。Historically kungfu was used to fight one's enemies and protect the homeland.

他们为了塑造你将来为保家卫国的守卫者角色。They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the Nation's defense.

如果需要,大部分年轻人愿意参加军队服兵役以保家卫国。If needed, most youngsters are ready to serve in the army to defend their countries.

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你们的使命不仅是保家卫国,更是伸张正义。Your charge now is not only to protect our country, but to do what is right and just.

保家卫国难啊,帝王之子和百姓之子也得上战场。His hearth difficult, Kings son and the son of the people also get on the battlefield.

而思亲盼归、保家卫国也成为后世征戍诗的共同主题。Missing the family and defending the country have become the common theme of garrison poem.

我的回答是,正如公开身份的同性恋男人一样,姑娘们也应该呆在家里,由我们来保家卫国。And my answer is that, just like openly gay males, the ladies should stay home, while we defend them.

女儿秀芬死得其所,为了保家卫国牺牲自己,谢乃恩为她自豪。Daughter Xiu Fen to sacrifice themselves to protect our homes and defend our country It is a worthy death.

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他说,现在轮到阿富汗的青年为保家卫国承担起责任了。Karzai said it is now up to the youth of Afghanistan to take over the responsibility for security in the country.

哪怕我们衰弱的肩膀扛不了枪,我们也要肩负起保家卫国的重任。We should shoulder the duty of defending our motherland even if our shoulders are not strong enough to carry guns.

中国武术以其突出的格杀功能,在民族抗争史上发挥着抗暴御侮、保家卫国的重要作用。Chinese martial arts had outstanding military functions, and had been used as effective means to defend the nation.

在京派小说中也可以看到男性的衰老恐惧,只是没有上升到建功立业、保家卫国的层次。Novels in Beijing can see the fear of aging men, but he did not rise to the merits and defend the motherland level.

这是肩负战略威慑职责的军事领袖们保家卫国的需要。This is what the military leaders, charged with responsibility for our strategic deterrent, need in order to defend our country.

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像志愿保家卫国的许多其他美国人一样,他赢得了举国上下的尊敬与感激。And like so many other Americans who have volunteered to defend us, he has earned the respect and gratitude of our whole country.

这是肩负战略威慑职责的军事领袖们保家卫国的需要。This is what the military leaders, charged with responsibility for our strategic deterrent, need in order to defend our country.

可是如果真的要开战了,你愿意上前线为国出力,像当年的红军战士一样保家卫国吗?But if you really want to fight, you are willing to contribute to their country on the front, like when the red army soldiers to defend?