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她的畅销小说正在重印中。Her bestselling novel is reprinting.

新的和重印的诗歌和散文。New and reprints of poetry and prose.

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后者往往提供了整理重印。The latter often provides a glossier finish.

普通邮票可根据需要重印。Definitive stamps can be reprinted as necessary.

他们决定重印全部有缺陷的印张。They decided to make all the defective sheets up.

在本手册的附录中重印了质量体系法规。The QS regulation is reprinted in the appendix of this manual.

雪重印了它,就像是在白色清楚的高浮雕里。The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto-relievo.

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有人告诉我我的一篇文章已在那家杂志上重印再版。I am told that one of my articles has been reprinted in the magazine.

现在国内没有相关的报告,是中国重印!Now domestic did not have the related report, is the Chinese reprints !

不要窃听私人谈话,不要购买重印这些谈话的报纸。Don't bug private conversations, and don't buy papers that reprint them.

这本书经常被重印,第一版的五部也被保存了下来。The book was reprinted frequently and five of the original edition still exist.

找地地重印后,档案陷阱几乎总是可以被免费使用。Archive Trap is almost always going to be free with fetch lands being reprinted.

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现在将其重印于梵蒂冈报纸的决定,显然是其观点得到了教宗的支持与认可。The decision to republish it in the Vatican newspaper gives it added papal endorsement.

此书1932年由商务印书馆出版,1954年中华书局又重印。This book published in 1932 by the Commercial Press, Zhonghua Book and reprinted in 1954.

采用双重印模法取模,复制24个相同尺寸的超硬石膏代型。Adopt double stamping mould, copy method take 24 same size superhard gypsum Generation type.

这种材料是分成重印相关的一个主要议题组成的章节。The material is divided into chapters consisting of reprints related to a single major topic.

这些邮票从不重印,即使在12个月的销售期内提前售完。They are never reprinted, even if they are sold out before the end of the 12-month sale period.

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第一,印刷书本的上头成本十分高,如果数量越多,重印的边际成本较低,在销量较多的情况下。First, there is a high overhead cost in publishing books. The marginal cost of reprinting is lower when.

我们被告知没有额外重印将是这些作品使,使他们宝贵的藏品。We are told no additional reprints will be made of these artworks, making them valuable collector items.

这家典雅的礼物版重印的马基雅维里令人难忘的书和另外两个文章的全文。This elegant gift edition reprints the full text of Machiavelli's memorable book and two additional essays.