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然而Specter坚持说,在总统面前他不会人云亦云。Yet Specter insisted he would not be a rubber stamp for the president.

这些天来,一个人云亦云的思想,可以用逻辑学的三段论,总结如下。Conventional wisdom these days can be summarized in the form. of a syllogism.

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作学问要在细小处求甚解,永不人云亦云、沽名钓誉。——格言。To learn should be inquisitive, never follow the statement of others nor work for fame.

做学问要在细小处求甚解,永不人云亦云、沽名钓誉。To learn should be inquisitive, never follow the statements of others nor work for fame.

不过也许我们的确该问问自己,是否过度相信这种人云亦云的陈旧看法。But maybe we do need to ask ourselves if we are placing too much credence in this trite remark.

那本书的作者似乎没有自己的观点,书里都是人云亦云的东西。That book, whose author doesn't seem to have his own viewpoints, is full of parrot-learned knowledge.

那本书的作者似乎没有自己的观点,书中都是人云亦云的东西。That book, whose author doesn't seem to have his won viewpoints, is full of parrot-learned knowledge.

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他们知道媒体从业人员会人云亦云地传播每一条留言的每一个细节,而不去做一些简单的事实求证。They knew media reporters would parrot every bit of gossip without bothering with lowly fact-checking.

此外和记者一样,这一行也有羊群效应和从众心理,少数一流的评论员说了什么,大多数人便开始人云亦云。And, like other journalists, they are inclined to a herd mentality and the lead of a few A-list reviewers.

表现为人云亦云,鹦鹉学舌,爱将他人的观点复述一遍。In order to parrot performance, the parrot learn tongue and the love reply the standpoint of others to say 1 time.

英超球队的球迷们对自己球队的昵称充满了感情和敬意,但他们真的知道这些昵称的来源,还只是人云亦云呢?Supporters of Premier League clubs often pride themselves on their nicknames, but do you really know the origin of them?

你可能觉得他没有主见,老是人云亦云,但是其实他只是在和你分享自己的观点和想法罢了。You may find he is voicing different ideas and opinions but in reality he is just sharing his views and musings with you.

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也因为人云亦云,閒话天气家常,是大家公认是人际往来的谈话方式,我们这样只是随俗。Also because it's nice to talk like everybody else, to say the sun rises, when everybody knows it's only a manner of speaking.

他是中学的物理老师,养着一大家人,薪水微薄,有一肚子精挑细选的人云亦云的知识。He was professor of physics in the high school, possessor of a large family, a meagre salary , and a select fund of parrot-learned knowledge.

投资者们在此时要有非凡的远见,否则就只是人云亦云而已。Investors might be showing such exceptional foresight at the moment, or they may simply be spotting imaginary signs of life in a dead parrot.

外部因素主要是由于语言接触和方言接触、传媒诱导、人云亦云”原则等。Exterior factors primarily consisted of language contact, dialect contact, media inducement and principle of the saying"repeat like a parrot".

真理往往是在少数人手里,而少数人必须服从多数人,到头来真理还是在多数人手里,人云亦云就是这样堆积起来的。The truth is often in a small number of people, but few people must obey the truth is most people, in most people's hand, parrot is piling up.

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关于日本妇女端庄又恭顺的流行观念当然是人云亦云的成见,不过鸠山幸的举止不管放在哪个国家都算得上怪异了。The popular notion that Japanese women are demure and subservient is a lazy stereotype, but Miyuki's behaviour would seem bizarre in any country.

选择了艺术,就必然选择了独立的思考空间,如要人云亦云,必然被时代所淘汰,被灵魂所不耻!Choosing art predicates choosing thinking for oneself. If just follows others, one surely will be eliminated by the time and be rejected by the spirit.

在人生中,社会的各种现象和他人的各种行为都需要我们做出自己的判断,这时的你是以“众人皆醉而我独醒”的态度提出自己的观点,还是人云亦云,随波逐流呢?We need to judge about all kinds of social phenomenon and others' actions in life. At this time, you'll propose your own view directly or follow others?