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通观世界,晚睡的人常常被认为是懒惰的人。Throughout the world, people whosleep late are too often assumed to be lazy.

人学首先以人自身为研究对象,并将人纳入自然界和宇宙之中予以通观。This science focuses on human itself and admits its existence in the nature and universe.

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通观几千年的历史可以看到,男人的这种思想早已是根深蒂固了。Throughout thousands of years of history can see that this man is already thinking of a deep-rooted.

该方法有效提高了定子磁通观测的准确性,并对电机参数变化和负载扰动具有较强的鲁棒性。EKF improves the accuracy of stator flux, and it is robust to parameters change and load disturbance.

通过对定子电压方程做有条件的简化,得到一种转子磁通观测算法。Through simplification of stator′s voltage equation, a method for observing the flux of rator is obtained.

通观三号坑整个布局,它可能是整个地下军阵的指挥部即军幕。Judging by the layout of Pit 3, this is most likely the headquarters directing the might under ground army.

您能给我们介绍一下通观过去、现在和将来,您对糖尿病科学的看法吗?Can you give us an introduction to your philosophy on diabetes science, the perspectives past, present and future?

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通观国际通行规则,我国现行行政文化既有顺乎潮流的主流趋向,也存在形形色色的不和谐音符。According to the international regulations, our present administrative culture has a main tendency to follow the trend.

通观全文,你能体会到建模是如何的富有价值,它使得应用程序的体系结构和设计更加有效。Throughout this article, you have seen how modeling can be invaluable to efficient application architecture and design.

唐君毅对中西哲学家所用之基本方法,皆有所通观与反省。Tang Jun-yi did awareness and reflection on the basic philosophical methods employed by Chinese and Western philosophers.

但另一方面,小憩可提高对一个复杂事物的记忆能力,帮助我们通观全局,并发挥创意。But on the flip side, taking a nap may boost a sophisticated kind of memory the helps us see the big picture and get creative.

通观高频度词语的变化,就可以把握政策变动的大体情况。了解复合词语的使用状况就可以理解更为具体的变化的实态。Change of words of high-frequency reflects the change of polices, and usage of compound words can reflect more specific changes.

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通观全诗,诗人把自己想象为一个站在地球边上目光遍及广阔天地,并发出了激情的呼唤的巨人。Generally speaking, the poet imagines himself as a giant that stands by the edge of the earth, overlooking the heaven and earth.

所以请把你们的担忧都放在一旁,伟大的提升将会达成,因为它很好的符合着计划,我们通观着全局。Set aside your concerns about how the great upliftment will be achieved, as it is well planned and we oversee every aspect of it.

基于磁通观测的电流前馈型解耦矢量控制系统结构,给出了异步电动机的数值仿真模型。The computer simulation model of the feed forward current decoupling vector control system based on flux observation is presented.

用通观历史全局的眼光审视,太平天国运动最致命的败因之一就是反文化。Looking at the whole history with an overall perspective, we find that one of the fatal errors that lead it to death is its anti-culture.

通观世界各地,建筑往往是地域文化的主要载体,而文化则成为这些建筑的灵魂。Throughout the world, the construction often is the main carrier of regional culture, and culture has become the soul of the architecture.

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通观所有的富裕国家,政府都变得太过巨大而卡梅隆先生的团体最有希望去缩减它。Throughout the rich world, government has simply got too big and Mr Cameron’s crew currently have the most promising approach to trimming it.

通观整个高丽历史,简直没有一个拿得出手的人物,比日本也远远不如。The whole Korean history one could hardly find a single notable figure of historical significance, even Japan had a better touch in this regard.

通观全军各院校门户网站,优秀之作大量涌现,但是还有一些不足之处。Passes the view entire armed forces various colleges and universities open-door policy, the outstanding work massive emergences, but also has some deficiencies.