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不觉入梦梦亦空。Unconsciously dream dreams also empty.

拍打在礁石上浪涛声催人入梦。The breaking surf on the reef is mesmerizing.

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拍打在礁石上浪涛声催人入梦。The stopping surf on the reef is mesmerizing.

被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦。Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams.

想起昨夜入梦前我曾望住它良久。I recalled last night I looked at it quite long.

月光皎洁,每每带我入梦里For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams

昨晚带着窘境入梦。I fell asleep last night thinking about my predicament.

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有些话随风有些话入梦有些话长留在心中。Some words with some words some words long in my heart.

有些梦想随风而逝,不用入梦。Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all.

童年,妈妈唱着童谣,伴我入梦。Childhood, my mother and singing nursery rhymes, I fall asleep with.

希望每晚星亮入梦时,有人来代替我,吻你。I hope every night star bright dream, someone to replace me, kiss you.

雨在亲吻,雨的嘴唇喷出树叶和青草的气息。这种声音催人入梦,使我的梦境充满渴意。Rain in the kiss, issued by the smell of leaves and grass, this remind my dream.

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唔,也许你的特别的梦中人昨夜未曾入梦来……Well, maybe your special dream character didn't put in an appearance last night.

那种一碰枕头就入梦的感觉真好,听不见嘈杂与喧闹。Touched the pillow to fall asleep kind of nice to feel, hear noisy and boisterous.

那个常常出现在你梦中的人也可能是常常让你无法入梦的人。That often appear in your dreams, people may also be always let you cannot dream man.

漆黑的房间,再次点燃一支香烟,心继续安静,再安静,入梦,微笑。Dark room, lit a cigarette again, the heart continues to quiet, then quiet, dream, smile.

闲坐书桌前,或躺在床上等待入梦之际,我会悄悄回到威廉斯敦。When I sit idly at my desk or lie in bed waiting for sleep, I steal back to Williamstown.

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如果是空间的距离,思念便是甜蜜的,甜蜜的带着微笑入梦。If it is the spacial distance , missing is treacly , entering into dreams with smile in your face.

任何人都能逃入梦乡,做梦时我们都是天才,在那儿屠夫与诗人不分高下。Anyone can escape into sleep, we are all geniuses when we dream, the butcher’s the poet’s equal there.

童年与少年时代,就每每欣赏着这样的音乐入梦,这秋天的小夜曲让我睡得踏实甜美。Childhood and youth, the music often admired this dream, this autumn's sweet serenade me sleep better.