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这种酒非常适合白鱼。This wine goes very well with white fish.

羽衣甘蓝,皮卡尔香槟是一个伟大的香槟搭配白鱼。Collard-Picard champagne is a great champagne to pair with white fish.

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我们采用熏白鱼,粘结好,但任何其他熏鱼应工作。We used smoked whitefish, well boned, but any other smoked fish should work.

接受者加拿大熏鳟鱼,阿拉斯加鲑鱼和湖优越的白鱼。Purveyor of smoked Canadian trout, Alaskan salmon and Lake Superior whitefish.

魔鬼鱼肝及松露菌白鱼的鱼子拌薯仔芹菜根沙律。Mongfish Foie Gras and Truffle White Fish Caviar with Potato and Celery Root Salad.

一种被称为“白鱼”的长途迁徙鱼类将受害最深。So-called "white fish" which migrate relatively longer distances, will suffer the most.

他们是其中一个最好的诱饵进行大翻车鱼,鲈鱼,鳟鱼,白鱼和许多潘鱼,并为冰捕鱼。They are one of the best baits for bluegill, perch, trout, whitefish and many pan fish, and for ice fishing.

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但是我们厨师之一已经准备了包括当地小红莓,大饼面包,驯鹿以及白鱼在内的美味佳肴。But one of our chefs has prepared a meal of local cranberries, Bannock bread and caribou as well as some white fish.

谷花的魅力还真不小,弄得河里的白鱼、花鱼也躁动起来,成群结队的游戏、玩耍。Gu Hua's charm was really not small, get the fish, fish are restless, gathering in crowds and groups, playing the game.

苏必利尔湖国家海洋保护区为鳟鱼,白鱼,湖鲱鱼,角膜白斑提供了无与伦比的水域。The Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area offers unparalleled waters for trout, whitefish, lake herring, and walleye.

他们一旦在湖泊里安家,可能会饿死其他品种的鱼,如鲑鱼和白鱼。Once established in the lakes, the carp could starve out the prey fish on which popular species such as salmon and whitefish depend.

这座岛上没太多东西。但是我们厨师之一已经准备了包括当地小红莓,大饼面包,驯鹿以及白鱼在内的美味佳肴。There isn't much on the island. But one of our chefs has prepared a meal of local cranberries, Bannock bread and caribou as well as some white fish.

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我们要了两块白鱼子酱,油煎白鱼,这种黑海产的鱼在夏末时从罗马尼亚和乌克兰方向游到这里。We order a couple of dollops of white caviar and lightly fried palamud, a Black Sea whitefish that passes by from Romania and Ukraine in late summer.

多食瘦肉、鸡肉、鸡蛋、鹌鹑蛋、草鱼、甲鱼、白鱼、白菜、芦笋、芹菜、菠菜、黄瓜、冬瓜、香菇、豆腐、水果等。Eat lean meat, chicken, eggs, quail eggs, grass carp, turtles, white fish, cabbage, asparagus, celery, spinach, cucumber, melon, mushrooms, tofu, fruit.

最近,浙江湖州新建了一个东白鱼潭小区,户型把握在80到90平方米,空间层次比较通透,受到各界的好评。Recently, a new Zhejiang Huzhou Eastern white fish Tan district, Huxing grasp in 80-90 square metres of space at relatively transparent, well received by all.

现在园方改喂海豚多一点白鱼类、少吃点高脂的鲭鱼,同时排出例行运动表,看起来似乎有效。Now the park are feeding the dolphins more white fish and less fatty mackerels instead, while instituting a routine exercise regime, and it seemed to be working.

太湖在中国享有盛名,被称为古代的“鱼米之乡”并以盛产白虾、银鱼和白鱼而闻名。Lake Tai is a legendary setting in China, known as the country's ancient "land of rice and fish" and famous for its bounty of white shrimp, whitebait and whitefish.

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应用本法从鲟鱼肚及鲟鱼内脏提取的鱼油含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸,脂肪酸的不饱和程度与咸海卡拉白鱼接近,明显高于淡水养殖鱼类,是加工鱼油的良好来源。Very close ratio of unsaturated fatty acids were obtained in viscera, abdomen of sturgeon and muscle of Chalcalburnus chalcoides aralen, which were higher than in muscle of fresh water fish.