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我也有一个厌世的阴谋。I also have a world-weary plot.

我也不相信厌世者。Ihave no faith in misanthropes.

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那将激励你奋发图强还是让你变得消极厌世呢?Did it motivate or demotivate you?

他的内心有了一种怪异的厌世情绪。A singular sort of misanthropy possessed him.

我一直在一个完整的厌世者,我讨厌人类。I have been a complete misanthrope, I hate humans.

这可以暗示一种厌世的或者“少跟我装蒜”的态度。This may imply world-weariness or a no-bullshit attitude.

毒品是诱发犯罪的一个重要原因,年轻人厌世无聊是另一个原因。Well, drugs are a major cause of crime, as is young boredom.

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智大告诉警方他已“厌世”,只不过想到了杀人。Kato told police he was "tired of living" and simply wanted to kill.

由于具双重性格,有时候他们可能悲观厌世。Sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dual nature.

莫名其妙的心烦。厌世。想自杀,怎么办?。Indescribable be perturbed. World-weary. Want to commit suicide, how to do?

由于具双重性格,有时候他们可能会悲观厌世。Sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dualistic nature.

患者在疾病的不同时期,可能出现情绪低落,甚至悲观厌世。Patients in different stages of the disease, may be depressed, or even pessimism.

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她笔下的主人公里欧•利本施泰因非常有趣,他人在中年,笨拙又厌世。Leo Liebenstein, her awkward, misanthropic, middle-aged hero, is a delicious character.

你那厌世的态度将会令学生对学问的乐趣产生一种错误的理解。Your blase attitude gives your students an erroneous impression of the joys of scholarship.

越来越多的研究结果表明,悲观厌世的观点会严重损害你的健康。A growing amount of research shows a pessimistic outlook can take a huge toll on your health.

她讲话中带有受众密切注视太久的明星所特有的厌世情绪。She spoke with the world-weariness of a star who has been under public scrutiny for too long.

厌世的主人公将真爱拒之门外,之后不由自主地参与了决斗,并杀死了他最好的朋友。The world-weary hero spurns true love then drifts into a duel where he kills his best friend.

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在我们平静你摆脱你的厌世,重新点燃你的活力和热情的蔓达梦水疗中心。At the Mandara Spa we lull you to shed your world-weariness and rekindle your vitality and zest.

救济政策无疑缓解了饥饿,但却导致了厌世自杀、互相争吵、家庭不和。The relief policy had averted starvation, no doubt, but suicide, personal quarrel, unhappy homes.

我认识到,如果我与我的自憎和厌世作斗争,它就能成为我生命的一部分。I realized that it could become a part of my life if I fought against my self-hatred and pessimism.