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他特有的感情尽可以是单纯的,粗疏的,或是平板的。His particular emotions may be simple, or crude, or flat.

但是,他的逻辑并不严密、不谨细,时有粗疏。However, his logic is imprecise, incautious, and inattentive.

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那么,所谓的80后等粗疏概念是虚饰性的,乃至文化机会主义式的。So the 80s'conception is the feint and the cultural opportunistic.

这样粗疏的规定在实践中是难以操作的。The cursory provisions are still difficult to operate in practice.

其次,现行刑事证据规则过于粗疏,缺乏可操作性。Secondly, the existing rules of criminal evidence is too loose, the lack of operability.

我国民事诉讼法对缺席判决制度规定的过于粗疏,弊端较多。Chinese code of civil law has rough rules of judgment by default with many disadvantages.

但是,由于环境侵权的复杂性,这些规定显得比较粗疏、比较笼统。However, these provisions appear to be imperfect because of the complexity of environmental tort.

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除非在极短期内使用粗疏的会计方法来考察,否则出售资产不会解决问题。Selling assets does not solve the problem, except in a very short-term slipshod accounting sense.

由于现行法律对这项制度规定得较为粗疏,民事检察制度的运行显得不尽人意。At present, the system of civil procuratorial Supervisions in our country have some shortage and problem.

影片看似粗疏,甚至外行的时候,但其态度是如此奔放,它的难以抗拒。The movie looks slipshod and even amateurish at times, yet its attitude is so bubbly it's hard to resist.

然而,我国法律对其规定极为粗疏、简略,缺乏操作性,司法实践中易生歧义。However, the stipulations are crude , curtness and lack of manipulation, which leads to ambiguity in judicial practice.

另外,委员会为求合理化将香港电台撇除在检讨范围之内,在报告当中粗疏地否定香港电台的存在价值。Moreover, the Committee tried to justify its argument to shove RTHK away by coarsely denying RTHK's value of existence.

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但由于规定较为粗疏,可操作性不强,在实践中发挥的作用不大。But because of stipulation's careless and the feasibility is not strong, the function is not obvious in reality displays.

然而法律规定失之于粗疏,司法实践中问题较为突出。However, the stipulation of law in this regard is simply insufficient, resulting in problems of sorts in judicial practice.

我国目前证据立法过于粗疏,可操作性不强,远远不能满足司法实践的需要。Evidence legislation in our country is far from being perfect and operational so it can't meet the needs of judicial practice.

对此,国家虽出台一些相关的法律法规,但仍显粗疏。It is true that a number of relevant laws and regulations have been introduced at the state level, but this is still insufficient.

但王岳川也有其思之不到或思之粗疏的地方,本文就理论阐述的散文化倾向和理论应用的绝对化倾向做了简单评析。But the paper thinks the Art Ontology of Wang Yuechuan have some deficiencies . For example, Essayistic writing and absolutely theory using.

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本文所勾勒的电视广告叙事学研究模式虽有许多粗疏浅陋之处,却也希望能为这一领域的研究作一些有益的探索。The aim of this thesis was to make some helpful research in this region though the research mode which was built in the thesis was still insufficient.

然而,我国的缺席审判制度在立法上存在欠缺,条文过于粗疏,导致实践中可操作性极差。However, the trial by default system of our country has defections in legislation and very simple articles, which result in poor operation in practice.

维尔麦希先生对于那次研究有近距离的了解,他有理有据的对该次研究的缓慢和粗疏做了批评,但他不认为阴谋论的说法有根据。Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness—but no ground to assert a conspiracy.