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他们已经把所有武器都上缴了。They have turned in all the weapons.

国家税的上缴方式多种多样。There are various ways to pay state tax.

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收取的工本费和加注费上缴国库。And such fees shall be turned over to the State Treasury.

公司需要上缴利润税,但DPP不需要Corporations are taxed on their profits and DPPs are not.

他扣除自己的佣金后上缴余款。He took his commission out before turning in the rest of the money.

比如沃尔玛,它需要上缴公司所得税Like, for example, Wal-Mart might want to -they pay corporate profits tax.

整个银行业上缴的税款不太可能很低。Perhaps. The overall tax bill from the industry might not be so distressingly low.

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银行应当收受罚款,并将罚款直接上缴国库。The banks shall accept the fines and turn them over directly to the State Treasury.

修桥上每花一个子儿,纳税人就必须相应的多上缴一个子儿。For every dollar that is spent on the bridge a dollar will be taken away from taxpayers.

没收的这些涉案财产,我们会按照法律规定上缴归公。The property involved in the case will go to the public according to laws and regulations.

你是否曾有过这样的疑问,在个人上缴税款中,其中有多少是用来进行国外援助行动的?Have you ever wondered how much of your own tax dollars actually go to support foreign aid?

没收的违法所得依法上缴国库。The confiscated illegal income shall be handed over to the State treasury according to law.

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开发商从土地出让、厂房出让或出租、进区企业上缴税收中获取收益。Developers can gain income form remising land, selling or renting workshops and tax revenue.

他说,他的车花了,所以我想知道有多少是在上缴税金计算。He said he took the car, so I would like to know how many delivered to the account of taxes.

没有被侵害人的,登记造册,公开拍卖或者按照国家有关规定处理,所得款项上缴国库。The industrial injury accident shall be handled according to the relevant State regulations.

上缴约一到三万美元的会费就能加入并成为俱乐部的会员,会员有私人停车位。Fees for joining range from 10 – 30 thousand US dollars and membership comes with a car park.

当他们被要求扣除或上缴税费时,会表示出震惊和恐惧。I have no idea. People express shock and horror when they're hit up for a co-pay or deductible.

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这些企业有能力驳回有关增加其向政府上缴最低股息的提议。They have been able to fight off proposals to boost the minimal dividends they pay to the state.

而其付费电视主要竞争对手,麦迪亚瑟媒体旗下Premium电视的大多数用户,都要上缴全额的增值税。Most of the customers of its main pay-TV rival Premium, which is owned by Mediaset, pay full VAT.

这家人声称往年的费用都曾缴付,仅仅今年忘记上缴。The family says it has paid the fee in the past, but claims they simply forgot about it this year.