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那银矿已不再开采了。The silver mines are no longer worked.

山门银矿为大型独立银矿床。The Shanmen silver deposit is a large, independent one.

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这矿床原有很丰富的银矿,但已所剩无几了。The mine once had a rich vein of silver, but it petered out.

可能铅矿不在银矿成熟的路径中?Might not the lead be halfway to a mature state of silverdom?

主要含银矿物是自然银、辉银矿、角银矿。Main silver minerals were nature silver, argentite and chaorargyrite.

构造蚀变岩型银矿床在我国银矿床中占重要地位。Silver deposits of tectonic altered rock are an important type in China.

约在879年由银矿勘探者建立,现为一流行的滑雪圣地。Founded c. 879 by silver prospectors, it is now a fashionable ski resort.

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它曾经住着许多银矿和城镇周围的成长起来。It was once home to many silver mines and towns that grew up around them.

可惜银的含量实在太少了,想在月球上开挖银矿那是不可能了。But the levels are far too low to make it worth opening a lunar silver mine.

矿石中的银主要赋存在独立银矿物之中。The silver in the ore mainly hosted in the independent silver bearing minerals.

新近发现的金矿和银矿正促使人们涌向科罗拉多、亚利桑那和内华达地区。New discoveries of gold and silver now were leading men to Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.

约在879年由银矿勘探者建立,现为一流行的滑雪圣地。Founded c. 879 by silver prospectors, it is now a fashionable ski resort. Population, 5,049.

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不同大地构造环境控制了不同类型的银矿床。Different type of silver deposits is under the control of different geotectonic environments.

福建碧田矿床是成因上与燕山晚期次火山岩有关的铜金银矿床。The Bitian copper-gold-silver deposit is genetically related to Late Yanshanian subvolcanics.

采用先锰后银两段浸出流程处理高锰银矿取得了较好的效果。The two-step leaching technique was used to extract silver from manganese-containing silver ore.

方铅矿和闪锌矿是银的主要载体矿物,且银矿物粒度微细,难以单独回收。Galenite and sphalerite is main carrier mineral and silver mineral is too small to reclaim solely.

白牛厂银矿是近年发现探明的一大型银锡铅锌矿床。The Bainiuchang Ag deposit is a large Ag-Sn-pb-Zn deposit discovered and explored in recent years.

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主要载银矿物有硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿和闪锌矿。The main silver-bearing minerals were psilomelane, pyrolusite, limonite, galena, pyrite and sphalerite.

人类开采金矿,银矿以及铜矿,这样不但腐蚀了土壤并伤害了安地斯山脉的植被。Man also mines for gold, silver, and copper which then erodes the soil and hurts the plants of the Andes.

在芸芸离岛区泳滩中,银矿湾是我们的最大挑战。Perhaps the biggest challenge of all the beaches in the Outlying Islands District was Silver Mine Bay Beach.