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新老校区一卡通相通。Thee-card can be used on both the campus.

那些老校是在下周拆除吗?Will those old schools be pulled down next week?

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我们学校是一所老校,它建于100多年前。Our school is an old one, which was built over 100 years ago.

窗外,粉色和白色的花瓣在老校区的树上开放。Outside, pink-and-white blossoms hung from the Old Campus trees.

中午在老校和同学打了一个小时的斯诺克。I spent a hour playing snooker with my schoolmate in the afternoon.

香水月季花瓣簇拥着百年老校的大门,是实验小学精神的象征。Tea rose petals surrounding the old doors, is a symbol of our school spirit.

终有一天,我的名字会出现在学校的英才苑上。一个百年老校的刚刚起步的网站。There's a day my name being showing in the Excellent Alumni Columns of my alma mater's site.

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老校区是由路易斯康设计的,这是个暴露砖建筑的样板。T he old campus was designed by Louis Kahn, who was an exponent of exposed-brick architecture.

江汉大学新校区的占地面积是老校区的三倍。The New Campus of Jianghan University covers an area that is 3 times as big as the old campus.

美国北亚利桑那大学是一所百年老校,重视本科生教育、追求高质量教学。Northern Arizona University has a rich 107-year history of delivering top-quality undergraduate education.

灵感来自老校毛衣,nodus79贸易给我们带来的羊毛毛衣,不属于发痒,不臭和水洗。Inspired by old school sweaters, NODUS79 Trading brings us wool sweaters that are not itchy, not stinky and washable.

我们住的地方也很不错,在陶院老校区里面,有很多大树和植物,然我随时都感受到自然的存在。Our apartment is located in the old Ceramic Academy, you can find many big trees round there, I feel the nature all the time.

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整个周四我都在弗兰克林老校附近转悠,全力策划和润色我的会见,因为我没有黑苺手机。Spent Thursday lugging around old-school Franklin planner and colored pens in an effort to coordinate my meeting schedule sans BlackBerry.

每月20日上午,服务人员到老校三宿舍、环东公寓和西区公寓收取话费。On the morning of the 20th every month, our staffs will go to the Old Campus Apartment, Huandong Apartment and West Campus Apartment to collect the fee.

毗邻5000亩四川师范大学新、老校区,人文气息浓郁,可谓城市中最具休闲气质和发展前景的区域地块,将打造为规划总建筑面积57万平方米的大型生态绿城。As a block with great development potential , it shall be developed into a large ecological city with a total planned construction area of 570,000 square meters.

文章结合安徽交通职业技术学院的老校区规划实践,重点阐述高校校园原址改建规划中的基本思路。In view of the design practice of Anhui Communications Technology Institute, the article stresses upon the basic thinking ways in the rebuilding program about the.

在对某高校老校区集中供暖存在的问题进行系统诊断分析的基础上提出了综合治理改造方案,并在实际应用中取得了显著效果。Based on the systematic diagnosis on problems existed in the central heating system of a university, proposes the comprehensive reformation scheme and obtains obvious effect in practice.