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明天上午8点至下午3点停水。There will be no water tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

手机信号时续时断,白天停水晚上停电。When the phone signal when water cut, daytime renewal at blackout.

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哪个更可怕,停电还是停水?Which one is more terrible? Blackout or suspension of water supply?

伏特加酒,路况不好,停水,没有人会说英语。Vodka, bad roads, water shut-down, no one knows the English language.

全电脑控制所有参数及程序,精确可靠,版到喷谁,版离停水。All the parameter and procedure is controlled by computer, exact and reliable.

工作中突然停水时,应立即停止磨削。When the coolant stops suddenly, the operator should stop grinding immediately.

今天公司停水一天,给各位带来不便,尽请谅解。谢谢!Today the company a day to you, water bring inconvenience, do please understanding. Thank you!

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受同样原因影响,吉林省白山市、安图县等城市也出现了停水问题。Tap water supply to some areas in Baishan and Antu had also been disrupted for the same reason.

今天某某地方停水一天,给各位带来不便,尽请谅解。谢谢!Today so-and-so place a day to you, water bring inconvenience, do please understanding. Thank you!

停水时,因为供水管中的负压,虹吸现象更易产生。When cut off the water supply, because of the negative pressure in feed pipe, siphonage arises more easily.

现在城市发展快,市政建设紧锣密鼓,临时的停电停水是常有的事情。Temporary blackout or short of water supply is normal due to the city's rapid development and urban construction.

当地自来水公司表示,县城将停水数日,恢复供水时间还不能确定。The county's drought will last for days, said the local water company. It is unknown when water supplies will resume.

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在灾区,曾一度停水、断电、没有食物,幸存者和外界的联络中断。In the tsunami-devastated regions there was no food, no water, no electricity and the survivors had no communications.

以有效的供应商管理网络和内部管理体系,随时应付诸如停电、停水等突发事件的发生,保证供应。Comprehensive emergency back up plan in place for the unexpected, such as power outage, and ensuring timely service provision.

通过室内肥水间歇入渗试验,研究了不同周期停水时间对间歇人渗土壤NO3运移和分布的影响。This paper analyzes the effect of different intermittent time on the NO3-transport and distribution of intermittent infiltration.

当然了,停水之前也是会有警告的。我们也可以提前把水装在水缸里,桶里或者其他容器里。Of course there are warnings too before the suspension of water and we can store it in a vat or a bucket or some other containers.

一旦停电停水了,什么电饭煲、电磁炉、微波炉,全都如废铁一般。Once electricity and water are not available, such as the electric cooker, induction cooker and microwave oven are all out of use.

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贵阳前几天已经大面积停电停水了,贵州省委开会都是点蜡烛了,省会尚且如此,更何况其他城市。Even the provincial government is lighting candles now just to convene, and if that's where they're at, other cities must be worse.

第二个问题是,中国已经向约旦境内的伊拉克难民营提供了人道主义援助,伊拉克境内每天有几百名百姓死亡,巴士拉停电停水,那么中国对伊拉克境内的困难可以提供什么样的人道主义援助?There is no electricity or water in Basla. Then what kind of humanitarian aid can China provide to those Iraqi people in difficulties?

我们的小区这两天停水。因此,当我的女儿今天下午回到家后,我第一时间让她完成家庭作业。Our residence is short of water these two days. So when my daughter and I reach home this afternoon, I let her finish her homework first.