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生意红火,还雇了个帮工。Business was good enough to hire a helper.

他在马里韦莱斯海军司令部向他的那帮工人告别。At the Mariveles Navy headquarters he said good-bye to his work gang.

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帮工说,“曹大哥,这只狗的肉可真多啊?His helper was just saying to him, "Brother Cao, this one is really meaty?"

他随后结束营业,迁至悉尼,并在林暋的报刊亭帮工。He then closed, moved to Sydney, and the whereabouts of the newsstand workers in the forest.

在欧洲,尤其,厨房帮工通常都是年轻学徒,准备成为厨师。In Europe, especially, kitchen helpers are often youthful apprentices preparing to become chefs.

助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade.

向厨房帮工提供指导方向,包括厨师,厨房服务员和管事部人员。Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards.

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星期四那天,杰克又去一个农场主那里帮工,农场主答应给他一块奶酪作为报酬。So on Thursday, Jack hired himself again to a farmer, who agreed to give him a cream cheese for his services.

当时,很多在有钱人家里帮工讨生活的穷人,到了“母亲星期日”这天都会得到一天假期,并被鼓励返家。On Mothering Sunday the poor servants for the wealthy would have the day off and were encouraged to return home.

研究表明,这些“小弟”们通过帮工的经历可以跟“大哥”学到复杂的求偶技巧。DuVal suggests that along the way, the sidekick bird or beta "learns" the complex courting skills from the suave guru.

在拥有几年的熟练帮工经历后,其中表现优异维修工人可被邀请提交他们的“绝活”以作为他们长年积累的技能的证明。After years as a journeyman, a select few were invited to submit their "master-works" as proof of their accumulated skill.

九岁的皮加的父亲是黄包车车夫,十一岁的尼图的父亲是摩托车维修厂的帮工。Nine-year-old Puja's father is a rickshaw driver and eleven-year-old Nitu's dad works as a helper in a motor repair garage.

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索罗门从不会让丽维看他们一眼,就好像他不会让丽维他田地里的任何一个帮工,也不会让田间的任何本个人看她。Solomon would not have let Livvie lock at them , just as he would not let her look at a field hand or a filed hand look at her.

在我和契克离开之前,在旅馆里帮工的老板女儿对我们说,她为我们没有看到北极光感到很遗憾。Before Chuck and I left, Sonja Eiramo, the owner’s daughter who helps run the hotel, said she was sorry we had not seen the lights.

我们很幸运能发现的丰富性和特有的生活奥秘,老年人,社会以及旅行帮工,通过他们的故事。We are fortunate to discover the richness and mystery of life endemic to seniors, society's well traveled journeymen, through their stories.

托雷斯是一个世界级前锋被迫以较低的运作像联赛帮工,即使他的形式已在这个夏天以来一直标准。Torres is a world-class striker being forced to operate like a lower-league journeyman, even if his form has been at that standard since the summer.

第三段叙述则说他是一个叫做贾斯特·梅里尔的康科德道恩星球帮工守护者,因被指控背叛而选择用面具隐匿身份。A third account tells of a Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn named Jaster Mereel who adopted the mask and guise when he was convicted of treason.

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我自己忙完了自己家的农活,就去帮助其他缺少劳动力的农户家帮工挣些零钱贴补家用和送孙子孙女上学。After I finish the work in my own fields, I go help other households in order to make extra money for the family and for sending my grandchildren to school.

相对于那些需要租赁办公室或零售点并需要聘请帮工或雇员的企业来说,家庭型、不需要聘请雇员的公司所需的启动资金要少得多。A home-based company with no employees will require less capital than a venture located in a rental office or retail space that needs a crew of hired hands or brains.

有时,他的主人会脱掉外套去田里帮工人干活,费多就会在旁边守着,不让其他人或者动物碰它。If his master pulled off his coat in the field to help his workman, as he would sometimes do, Fido always sat by it, an d would not suffer either man or beast to touch it.