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马开始小跑。The horse began to trot.

卡纳克小跑着出发了。Carnac set off at a canter.

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他小跑着去拿一些粉笔。He trots off to get some chalk.

他一溜小跑飞步上了楼。He whipped upstairs in a flash.

瞧他骑着骡子小跑的神气模样儿!How he trots along on his mule !

马沿着路小跑。The horse trotted down the road.

马在路上小跑着。The horse trotted down the road.

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他策马小跑来到那个村子。He trotted his horse to the village.

马绕著马戏场小跑。The horses trotted around the circus ring.

在门厅里小跑一下,听一些音乐。Jog around the hallway listening to some music.

我和卡尼瑞一路小跑,冲过去。And I'm Kanirui road, careered through the past.

那孩子小跑著跟在父母身边。The child was trotting along beside its parents.

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我会步行,小跑,慢跑或驰骋在靠近你。I'll walk, trot , canter or gallop to be near you.

母亲在后面小跑着,嘴里还在不断地说着好话哄我。Mother ran after me, murmuring fine words to coax me.

他看了一眼纸条,然后转身小跑着回到了车上。After a glance, he turned on his heel and jogged back.

评判沙皮犬的动作主要是看小跑。The movement of the Shar-Pei is to be judged at a trot.

小跑时,头部略向前伸。The head is carried slightly forward when the dog trots.

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女孩一个鲤鱼打挺跳下床,一溜小跑到浴室。Hastily, she jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom.

无论主人到哪儿,这狗总是小跑著跟随其后。The dog always trotted after his master wherever he went.

一匹孤狼小跑向西边的一丛骆驼刺。A jackal trotted west toward a stand of camel thorn trees.