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但我不会把它们掩埋起来”。But I did not bury it.

将我们的名字掩埋。And covered up ----- our names.

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堆积物掩埋了道路和房屋。Heaps of debris buried roads and houses.

现在被装进黑色塑胶袋的我静静躺在掩埋场里。I am in a plastic bag in a landfill now.

沙暴掩埋掉了他的脚印。The sand-storm obliterated his footprints.

曾经的夕阳,听过的潮落,都被时间掩埋,幻成泡沫。Have seen before sunset, heard of the tide.

巨鼠的尸体会被焚烧或者用石灰掩埋。Rats' carcasses are burnt or buried in lime.

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狂风把村子掩埋在沙中。The violent winds buried the village in sand.

所有的细节都被掩埋了。It's buried away, all the details are suppressed.

街区的南北两侧,汽车都被一座座雪堆所掩埋。Up and down the block, cars were buried in drifts.

德国人的坦克掩埋在深深的雪堆中。The German tanks lay buried in the heavy snowbanks.

在一场不明就里的素色岁月里,我掩埋那一地的阳光。In an unknown plain years, I bury the ground sunshine.

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他想起了他曾在战争中见过那些没有掩埋的尸体。He remembered the unburied dead he had seen in the war.

推延是掩埋您庶獗能最佳的体例。Procrastination is the best way to bury your potential.

焚化当然不可能避免掩埋。Incineration cannot , of course , eliminate landfilling.

他的身体被大雪掩埋,但是头部还露在外面。His body was buried in snow, but his head was sticking out.

深度控制轮—确保滴灌管掩埋深度一致。The depth vernier gauges can be used to measure depth and step.

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把那些浮华都掩埋,把那些记忆都染白。Vanity those who are buried in the memory are those with white.

在所有人都神驰美好时,而我却在强行掩埋哀思。In all the vision of a better, and I was forced to bury sadness.

第二天早晨春天的花儿都被厚厚的雪掩埋了。Next morning the spring flowers were all hidden under deep snow.