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我手臂疼痛。My arm is paining.

你会感到疼痛You feel the pain.

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我希望它能感到疼痛。And I hope it hurt.

减缓月经疼痛。Eases menstrual pain.

你受得住这疼痛吗?Can you stand the pain?

我的脚已经麻了,感觉不到任何疼痛。I couldn't feel a thing.

他发出一声疼痛的叫喊。He uttered a cry of pain.

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碘酒灼得她的伤口热辣辣的疼痛。The iodine burned her cut.

咖啡可减轻肌肉疼痛。Coffee reduces muscle pain.

否认疼痛是有确实根据的。Disavowal of pain is valid.

他感到浑身疼痛难忍。Pain shot through his body.

腕关节活动时无疼痛。Wrist motion was pain free.

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他感觉自己腹部疼痛。He felt pain in his stomach.

座垫疼痛,可以毁灭一坐。A saddle sore can ruin a ride.

海伦她母亲的耳朵疼痛不已。Helen's mother got an earache.

我感到盲肠附近疼痛。I feel pain around the caecum.

伤口因涂了碘酒而疼痛。The cut burns from the iodine.

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谢谢你,疼痛已经消失了。The pain has passed,thank you.

涎腺肿胀、疼痛。Swollen, painful saliva glands.

娇颜疼痛盼春暖。Jiao ngan pain wish spring warm.