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别叽叽咕咕的!我听不见。Don't mutter! I can't hear you.

我真不明白是什么鬼把你迷了心窍――他叽叽咕咕地说。I don't know what gets into you, he mutters.

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他们俩叽叽咕咕地说些什么?What are those two whispering to each other about?

它们似乎一点儿也不害怕,反而是小声地叽叽叫着,仿佛知道自己是安全的。They did not seem frightened, but chirped softly, as if they knew they

抨击政府的政策时,听众叽叽咕咕地表示赞同。As she denounced the government's policy, the crowd murmured their approval.

伯希尔先生满嘴塞着饼干,叽叽咕咕地说这真是美极了。Mr. Bosher, with his mouthful of biscuit, mumbled that it was sweetly pretty.

有一个农夫说这地“毫无用处,只好养一些叽叽叫的松鼠”。One farmer said that it was "good for nothing but to raise cheeping squirrels on."

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她和瓦力用电波信号声叽叽咕咕地交流,偶尔会迸出些词语。She and Wall-E communicate in chirps and beeps that occasionally coalesce into words.

两只海豚忽然开始互相发出叽叽咻咻的声音——非常特别的海豚语。The two dolphins began squawking and chirping to each other—distinctive dolphin chatter.

它们叽叽咕咕地窃窃私语着,我要告诉你我今日的所见所闻,还有我将见到的那些你所看过的旧景旧物。And while they crow and whisper, I'll tell you what I see today, and what I would that you saw.

她紧张或兴奋时都会不停叽叽呱呱的说话,书里充满了她的大段独白。When she is nervous or excited she babbles, and the books are littered with long monologues from her.

如果你在你老公看世界杯的时候还老是“叽叽歪歪”的,他很可能会休了你。If you keep words towards your husband when he is enjoying in the World Cup , he is likely to break you.

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这家披萨公司新推出的应用'肚肚翻译'能够检测到胃里发出的各种叽叽咕咕的声音,从而帮助人们点餐。Thee pizza firm's new 'Tummy Translator' app detects the rumbles and growls from your stomach and translates them into an order.

松鼠叽叽私语,鸟儿啾啾呢喃,来自南方的野鸟排成精巧的人字,从头顶上呱呱飞过,划破长空。Squirrels were chattering, birds singing, and over the head honked the wild-fowl driving up from the south in cunning wedges that split the air.

白痴才为中国太空活跃的小插曲在这叽叽歪歪。这很明显没有理解这其中的深意。The Idiots who have posted commits making lite about the Active Chinese Space Program, Obviously fail to understand its far reaching consequences.

另外,经过几十年的无足轻重的小孩般的叽叽歪歪,日本已经在小泉的领导正一步一步地成为一个更加“正常的”国家。Further, after decades of inconsequential prattle about it, Japan has, under Koizumi, actually taken steps toward becoming a more "normal" country.

而他也理解为什么我每年都得离家几天,抛下孩子甚至他,和我的姐妹们小聚,叽叽咕咕聊天说笑。And he understands why, once a year, I must get away from the house, the kids—and even him-to meet my sisters for a few days of nonstop talking and laughing.

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也许正是这冷淡的一瞥起了作用,刚才还在叽叽咯咯笑个不停的王室成员们很快平静下来,把注意力转向台下为女王庆祝80岁官方生日的人群。Perhaps the icy stare did the trick, for her giggling family soon regained their composure to watch a huge crowd applaud the Monarch's official 80th birthday.

当你不能说那种语言,你就像一个婴儿,如果你进入一个环境,那里全部都是成年人在叽叽呱呱的说一些你完全听不明白的话,你还是学不会。When you don't speak a language you're like a baby and if you drop yourself into a context which is all adults talking about stuff over your head, you won't learn.

大学时学的是英语专业,出来后也一直叽叽咕咕一些英文。但是我仍旧虔诚的热爱汉语,热爱和汉语有关的文字工作。I am major in English in the University, After graduation i would say english sometimes in the work, but i still believe that Chinese is the best language around the world.