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佛祖得到4星?The Buddha got 4 stars?

在那也会见到佛祖么?Will Buddha be there too?

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佛祖保佑她,她是一个天使。God Bless her shes an Angel!

她去向佛祖寻求帮助。She asked the god to help her.

我的感觉和佛祖一样。My feeling is like the Buddha's.

佛祖,基督,毗湿奴,穆罕默德和亨利Buddha Christ Vishnu Mohammed and Henry

佛祖释迦牟尼的情况亦如是。The same would be true of Gautama Buddha.

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佛祖爱所有人而他们并不相互拥有。The Buddhas love all, yet they do not cling.

佛祖问他怎么空手回来了?Buddha asked him how he came back empty-handed.

仪式以向佛祖祈祷结束。The ceremony ends with an entreaty to the Buddha.

就其形势分析,佛祖或许会深表赞同。The Buddha would probably agree with their analysis.

额滴神啊,我养的女儿是佛祖转世吗?My gosh, is my daughter the incarnation of the Budda?

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有多少信徒能够分享到佛祖一缕仁善的光辉?How many believers could share one ray of Buddha's mercy?

当佛祖觉悟成道时,那是二千六百多年前的事。Then when Buddha became enlightened it was 2600 years ago.

我们要学习佛祖的这种慈悲精神。All of us can learn from The Buddha's spirit of compassion.

家骏意外看见甘雅诚心替自己向佛祖祈求。See Ganya Jiajun accident for their sincere pray to buddha.

普贤菩萨又是佛祖三大弟子之一。Buddha Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is one of the three disciples.

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佛祖把竹管插入金葫芦,送给勇敢的小卜冒。Buda put a bamboo into a golden gourd and give it to little hat.

相传“腊八“是佛祖释伽牟尼成道的日子。It is said that "Laba" is as Muni Buddha Gaya Road release date.

他表现了佛教和佛祖的诞生地——Lumbini。It represents Buddhism and Lumbini the birthplace of Lord Buddha.