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我叫陈冲。这是我的门诊病历卡。My name is Chen Chong. Here is my card.

病历表用纸都已经用完了。All case history sheet paper has been used up.

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同学须缴交病历表。Students should hand in the anamnesis record sheet.

根据病历记录确定先前动脉血氧饱和度基线。Determine previous baseline SpO2 from client's record.

医院给了她一个病历号、一个手镯和一套病号服。She’s given a case number, a bracelet, a hospital gown.

对于电子病历,我们有两个互相矛盾的需求。In terms of EMRs, we now have two antithetical requirements.

可以帮我些一份心肌炎的病历吗?。Can you help me the anamnesis of myositis of some of a heart?

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主要对病人记录进行数字化的电子病历是关键部分。An EMR, which mainly digitizes patient records, is the centerpiece.

结果青岛市市立医院2004年全部住院分娩产妇病历中出生婴儿性别比为124∶100。Results Birth sex ratio in Qingdao municipal hospital in 2004 is 124∶100.

在这其中有2210个病历完整记载了病人的年龄、体重及所使用的气管内管大小。Of them, 2210 records have all confirmed data of age, weight and ETT size.

他迷妄,有生动的幻觉,并且不能说出连贯的病历。He was deluded, vividly hallucinated, and unable to give any coherent history.

拿错化验单,在病历上写错日期。Reaching for thewrong lab slip, writing the incorrect date on a medical chart.

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医疗机构应当妥善地保管病人的病历卡。A medical institution shall properly keep the medical record cards of patients.

到校医院看病,需使用校医院提供的病历。If you go to the school hospital, you need to use the school's medical records.

方法对168例锁骨骨折的病历资料进行回顾性分析。Methods A retrospective analysis was made to 168 cases with clavicular fracture.

带上你生宝宝是的那一本病历去做一下产后检查就可以了。Health baby is brought to you that the history of post-natal check what to do it.

请问,我可不可以听听你所知道的关于爱尔芬斯通的病历?。Now, may I please hear what you know about Elphinstone'scase-history?—E. Crispin.

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在海内,越来越多的人开始熟习到电子病历的主要性。Therefore, in our country, more and more people are aware of the importance of CPR.

建立一个智能、高效、科学的电子病历智能模板是实现电子病历系统的关键。Base on CPRS build a intellectual high-efficient scientific CPRIT become the key of CPRS.

方法回顾性调查相关病历,并对相关数据进行统计分析。Methods Retrospective study of 7439 tumor cases was conducted and the data were analyzed.