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曾几何时,我们是一个“法治至上”的国家。We used to have the rule of law.

曾几何时,希望的迷失折断了梦想的翅膀。Whose wings loss of hope had lamed.

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曾几何时,烟囱清扫工很流行。For many years, chimney sweeps were popular.

曾几何时,我已不再揽镜自照。Long says before, I had not mirrored myself.

曾几何时,我们在这个校园度过了青春时光。Not long ago, we spent our youth on this campus.

曾几何时,你是否有过那梦之记忆。Once upon a time, you have had that dream memory.

曾几何时,我们在这个校园度过了青春时光。Once upon a time, we spent our youth on this campus.

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曾几何时,贝克汉姆也是这些被器重球员中的一员。For a while, Beckham was one of those chosen players.

曾几何时,不再抬头望月了呢?Only a short while ago, no longer looked Mochizuki. ?

曾几何时,你被别克车包围过?When was the last time you were surrounded by Buicks?

记得曾几何时,爸爸妈妈帮你准备午餐便当的情景吗?Remember when your mom or dad used to pack your lunch?

我不记得我曾几何时有过如此平静的心境。I cannot remember when I have had this much peace of mind.

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曾几何时,乐高玩具让他们富有,但现在中国的乐高将使他们贫穷。Legos made them rich. Now Chinese Legos may make them poor.

这些图像表明了,曾几何时火星上也有水流。These images suggest that, at one time, water did flow there.

曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only.

曾几何时,我方一直催问你方准时交货。For sometime past we have been urging you for a punctual delivery.

曾几何时我们爱上了孤单恋上了疯狂。Once upon a time we fell in love Fall in love with the wild alone.

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曾几何时,许多人对自由能否在欧洲得以实现表示怀疑。There was a time when many doubted liberty could succeed in Europe.

曾几何时,他也是世界上叱诧风云的人物。George Bush. Long time ago, he was the most powerful man in the world.

曾几何时,我们还在反对把年轻人组织起来训练。Up till then we had resisted the idea of regimenting our young people.