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它是一条胖嘟嘟的大毛虫了。He was a big, fat caterpillar.

毛虫会变成蝴蝶。Caterpillars turned into butterflies.

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恰像馥郁的玫瑰花心的毛虫。Which like a canker in the fragrant rose.

毛虫变成了蝴蝶。A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

抓住它,小松鸦!小冬青是一只慢毛虫!Catch this, Jaykit! Hollykit's a slow slug!

毛虫在成年期会变成蝴蝶。Caterpillars become butterflies in adulthood.

帐篷毛虫食用樱桃树叶。Tent caterpillars feed on cherry tree leaves.

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下图是它的毛虫,看起来老的像它爹,你不觉得吗?The caterpillar looks like its dad, don’t you think?

但是,它的毛虫却可能引起你噩梦!The caterpillar might well give you nightmares though!

这毛虫渐渐成长.这个毛虫是大的和肥的。The caterpillars grow.This caterpillar is big and fat.

那么蝴蝶又是什么?极其量,“他”不过是一只毛虫。And what's butterfly? at best, he's but a caterpillar, dir.

那么蝴蝶又是什么?极其量,“他”不过是一只毛虫——戴上了衣冠的。And what's a butterfly? At best, He's but a caterpillar, drest.

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把在地面上爬动的大红毛虫当做钓饵。Large red worms, which were crawling on the ground, furnished bait.

君主蝶的毛虫现在开始出现在百慕大地区一类的地方。Monarch caterpillar has now been spotted in places such as Bermuda.

可爱的尺蠖就是尺蠖毛虫。The adorable inchworm is really the caterpillar of the geometer moth.

我现在有吃它的权利了,但是它把小毛虫病传染了给了我们。We could have eaten him right up, but it would have given us trichinosis.

有机覆盖物可能会吸引昆虫、蛞蝓、毛虫以及吃这些动物的鸟类。Organic mulches attract insects, slugs, cutworms and the birds that eat them.

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毛虫走向世界尽头,大师则能破茧成蝶。What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.

幼虫期灯蛾毛虫在冬天会裹在厚厚几层的落叶中。Larvae – Woolly bear caterpillars curl up in thick layers of leaf litter for winter.

这种毛虫头上的监视器看起来特别像蛇的眼睛,感觉特别惊人。Swallowtails have spots on their head that mimic snake eyes and are amazing to view.