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低垂,比默哀深长!凛冽的。Drooping, longer than silent tribute! Nippy.

这是一个很重要又意义深长的要求。This is a very important and significant request.

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这个新剧幽默不足,但寓意深长。The new play is short on humor and long on message.

从这一天缘巧合中,我悟出那种深长的蕴意与博大的希望。I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope.

许多野草有不断深长的根,带块茎与根茎。Many weeds are deep-rooted perennials with tubers and rootstocks.

这是一个义味深长的问题,我们都应该询问自己这个问题。It's a significant question, one that we all need to ask ourselves.

深长、缓慢、充分的呼吸,呼气至少要同吸气一样长。Long, slow, full breaths with exhales at least as long as the inhales.

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保持2到5分钟,缓慢深长的呼吸。Hold the pose for 2 to 5 minutes, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.

马克斯拉着玛吉游上了岸。玛吉给了他一个意义深长的微笑。Mark with maggie swim was on the shore. Maggie gave him a meaningful smile.

对于青年学习者来说,汉语学习之旅将无比轻松愉悦并意义深长。The Chinese learning journey will be both fun and meaningful for young learners.

她屈身靠近他,轻拨她身后的头发,而且味意深长地凝视著他的双眼。She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, and gazes meaningfully into his eyes.

他的意义深长表达和标准的沈默指出我应该吸收片语。His meaningful expression and measured silence indicated I should absorb the phrase.

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但是在这树林中有野兽躲藏着,不时传来深长的吼声。But now and then there came a deep growl from some wild animal hidden among the trees.

这栋宅邸被一条深长的壕沟所包围,茂盛的叶子从这栋房子墙上的藤蔓往下长,延伸到河水的边缘。Great leaves grew from the vines on the walls of the house right down to the water's edge.

但此次被网友们称作“最惨烈网络大战”可谓意义深长。But the significance of “the most vicious online war”, as online users put it, doesn’t end here.

我已经收到许多意义深长的礼物而且现在在想它,我仍然在我的咽喉中有块状。I've received many meaningful gifts and thinking about it now, I still have a lump in my throat.

某一刻,你想要跳到男人身上,然后给他一个最深长最热烈的吻。One moment, you want to jump to the men, then give him a most profound the most passionate kiss.

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我提及此事是因为弗兰克的副标题提醒了我,罗洛的评论对我的意味是如此深长。I mention it now because Frank's subtitle reminded me of that comment and how much it meant to me.

若用花椒水调面,则油饼酥,馓子黄,馒头白,口味深长。If the water to face with pepper, then the cake cakes, San child yellow, white bread, deep flavor.

提出了一种无衍射结构光概念,这种光具有线性结构、焦深长、线宽小等特点。This paper puts forward a kind of calibration method for triangulation based on non-diffracting grating.