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气候平衡理论说。Climatic Balance.

这是不平衡的。It is not balanced.

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熊是与平衡相关的。Bear is about balance.

你必须取得平衡。You must have balance.

就像理想气体在平衡态。Just like an ideal gas.

天平两边的秤盘平衡吗?Do these scales balance?

或是在平衡态?Or is it at equilibrium?

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一位舞蹈演员滞空平衡。A dancer poised in midair.

现在我们来说一下力的平衡。Let's put a force balance.

这就是我们要讲的力的平衡。That is our force balance.

这其中必须要有平衡。There must be the balance.

我为什么选择了平衡?Why am I choosing balance?

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平衡态理想气体的平衡态。equilibria of ideal gases.

我知道我已经失去平衡了。I knew I was out of balance.

宇宙是平衡的。I. The universe is balanced.

对于平衡常数。For the equilibrium constant.

或者你已经找到了平衡?Or have you achieved balance?

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对你而言什么是生活平衡?What is life balance for you?

冷杉的枝条平衡着雪。Fir branches balance the snow.

这就是平衡态。That is the equilibrium state.