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神经学家是这样巧舌如簧的。Well the so called MS experts are neurologists.

我必须乞求宽恕其巧舌如簧简化,在某些情况下。I must beg forgiveness for its glib simplification in some cases.

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自从我们有了演讲术以来,我们一直不信任巧舌如簧者。As long as we've had oratory, we've had a mistrust of the smooth talker.

别看他平日巧舌如簧,可你真遇到麻烦,他未必会帮你。Although he usually has a sweet tongue, he may not help you when you're in trouble.

蓝菲儿巧舌如簧,希望戴骨顺以个人名义入股新公司。Blue and eloquent, want to wear bone suitable to personally take a stake in the new company.

他们是少有的那种惺惺相吸的伙伴。一个是巧舌如簧的英国律师,一个是不谙言辞的德州共和党人。THEY have been improbable soul-mates, the silver-tongued British barrister and the drawling Republican from Texas.

不要有什么俏皮话,我不想让她觉得我是那种巧舌如簧的人,常常在地铁里追女孩子。No wise cracks because I wouldn't want her to think that I was one of those smooth-talking guys who pick up girls in the subway.

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他说,有些巧舌如簧的推销员所提供的现代疗法,跟他在博物馆里收集的那些老古董一样愚不可及,毫无价值。Some of the modern cures offered by slick salespeople, he says, are just as empty and worthless as the old curiosities that he's collected in his museum.

慢下来。在你思考和交谈的过程中歇一口气。交谈中不一定需要巧舌如簧的打趣或者快速的回应。Slow down. Let their be pauses in the conversation while you think and respond. There doesn't have to be a banter or speedy exchange of ideas in conversation.

安倍祥明原本是某店的头牌牛郎,是个处事圆滑、巧舌如簧的家伙,还拥有着极高的推理观察能力,脑袋十分聪明。Abe sangmyung originally is a store number one cowherd, a polished, smart-mouthed guy, also has the extremely high reasoning observation ability, head is very clever.

看来,开发商不讨人喜欢,并不完全是因为开发商巧舌如簧,把黑的说成白的,把死的说成活的,不排除“房价太贵”的原因。" It seems that developers are not likeable and not simply because developers slick, black into white, said the survival of the dead, did not rule out "price is too expensive".

作为一名普通买楼者,一脚踏进售楼处,面对巧舌如簧的销售人员,被花花绿绿的宣传资料所包围,你还能保持清醒的头脑吗?As a general property, one foot into the sales offices, in the face of sophisticated marketing personnel, surrounded by colorful promotional information, you can keep a cool head?

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虽说未见到房主王先生,但杨某巧舌如簧很快就打消了他的疑虑,并很快办理了房产过户手续,大张旗鼓地进行了装修,一家人高高兴兴搬进了新居。While not see owner Well, but quickly took up his sly doubts, and soon for the property transfer procedures, done with great fanfare a decoration, a person looking into the new homes.