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说来话长!真是一言难尽!It's a long story!

一言难尽。说来话长。It's a long story.

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这个故事的起源一言难尽。The story roots in a long story.

说起它呀,真是一言难尽。Talking about it is you really untold.

真是一言难尽,恐怕我不能告诉你。It's a long story. I'm afraid I can't tell you.

我生活得怎样?有时真是一言难尽。How am I doing? Well sometimes it's hard to tell.

我想说的有很多,但我真的一言难尽。I want to say so much, but I can hardly find the words.

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英文拼写系统“真是一言难尽的糟糕”。The English spelling system is 'absolutely, unspeakably awful'.

我们不过是简单的生物,我们的生命是一言难尽的曲折。We are simple creatures yet our livers are complicated stories.

那些不能生育的准妈妈们的绝望是一言难尽的。The desperation of the infertile would-be mother knows no bounds.

女权固然光彩,然而要用你的钱,真是一言难尽。Feminism's fine, but there's a lot to be said for having your bills paid.

这真是一言难尽,丢脸,羞愧,让人郁闷,这整个简直就是神精病的构思。There is more than one word for this, embarrassing, humiliating , shameful and ill conceived.

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过去的春天里,自己是一个无人问津的小辈,创业的艰辛一言难尽。Over the past spring, he is a descendant of a no one is interested, entrepreneurial untold hardships.

更加一言难尽的是,除了健康方面的考虑,我们还需要综合考虑职业目标和财务目标。Adding to the complexity is our need to balance our professional and financial goals along with health concerns.

作为一位老朋友。作为一个热爱国家的公民,我一言难尽,而我所说的皆是肺腑之言。As an old-time friend and as a lover of my country, I cannot say less, and nothing that I could say would mean more.

又或者,当他们被问及剧情时会不知从哪说起,因为他们觉得这部片子实在复杂得一言难尽。Or, when they are asked to describe the plot, they don’t know where to start because they think it’s so complicated.

上帝观念的讨论在国内外在神学和哲学领域举目滔滔,著作汗牛充栋,一言难尽。The definition of God is a extremely tough topic in overseas and homeland where there are too many books and articles having been discussing the core of religions.

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大理这个地方真是一言难尽,它不足于和丽江比试风情,它不及阳朔风光的一半,你能体会到的只有二个字,自由。One word is not enough to talk about Dali. It can't compete amorous feelings with Lijiang. It is not half better than Yangsuo sight. Two words you only taste is freedom.

当然,要学习营养学这门课程,可能需要整个学期的时间,耗费很多课时,因为这个话题十分有趣,且吸引人,而又一言难尽Now of course, nutrition is the kind of subject that one could spend the whole semester on, could spend--do multiple classes on, because it's a very interesting, fascinating, and complex topic.