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他放走了白雪。He let Snow go.

宛如百合,皓似白雪。Lily-like, white as snow.

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在白雪飘飞的季节里摇曳。In this white snow season.

难道爱的冰床只是白雪?。Is love's bed always snow?

山顶上覆盖着白雪。He boarded the roof himself.

树梢白雪闪光。Where the treetop's glisten.

地面上白雪覆盖。The ground's white with snow.

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我是钻石般闪耀的皑皑白雪。I am the diamond glints of snow.

白雪和红玫就跑开了。Snow-white and Rose-red ran away.

群山都被皑皑白雪素裹着。The hills were blanketed in snow.

白雪和寒霜最高兴了。The snow and the frost are happy.

白雪覆盖的山峰在阳光下闪耀。Her body gleamed white in the sun.

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响吧,幸福的钟,响彻皑皑白雪。Ring, happy bells, across the snow

田野上的皑皑白雪,那些树。The snow on the fields, the trees.

给白雪花伴舞。The snow white flowers dance with.

塔顶上覆盖着白雪。The tower is surmounted with snow.

白雪为树林披上了银装。The trees were silvered with snow.

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一只山猫蹲在白雪覆盖的岩石上。A lynx sits on a snow-covered rock.

当白雪盖住我们额头的皱纹And when our furrows snow shall cover

我是那白雪上钻石般的光芒。I am the diamonds glints on the snow.