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什么是气枪枪的危险?。What Are the Dangers of Airsoft Guns?

什么是最强大的气枪?。What Is the Most Powerful Airsoft Gun?

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我希望有关的网站被气枪。I would prefer the sites be related to airsoft.

气枪震源作业需要高压空气。High-pressure air is needed for airgun source operation.

五天后,她夺取了女子气枪三姿赛的银牌。Five days later, she took silver in women's three-position rifle.

气枪震源远场子波是叠前处理和震源模型必需输入的参数。It is one of the parameters necessary for prestack and source model.

这个猎人正用他新买的气枪来打鸟。The hunter is using his newly-bought pneumatic gun to shoot the birds.

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他可是全副武装呢,一只手拿着气枪,另一只手握着一把木制匕首。He was heavily armed—an air rifle in one hand, a wooden dagger in the other.

方法自制气枪制做前段眼球破裂伤模型。Methods Self-made plastic gun was used to produce the eyeball rupture model.

Steelhawk携带气枪东京丸井气枪枪及配件完整产品线。Steelhawk Tokyo Marui gun to carry guns and complete accessories product line.

吉姆叔叔拿起气枪一路巡查到采石场的最远处。Uncle Jim took the air rifle and went on a recce to the far end of the quarry.

超级9气枪球员,谁是新的射手角色的理想选择。The Super 9 is the ideal choice for Airsoft players who are new to the marksman role.

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气枪就是他的,而且他打瞎队长的母狗时,我就在一边看着。When he shot the team leader’s bitch blind I was with him watching what had happened.

第三颗、第四颗豌豆怕被装进气枪里,就悄悄地溜走了。The third one and the forth one are afraid to be put into the air gun. They scoot away.

请记住,因为他们的规则是由技术人员提出了一个气枪在此免费视频。Keep the rules in mind as they are presented by an Airsoft technician in this free video.

就像小时候腿上中了BB气枪打出的那颗子弹,下巴挨了那记大抡拳,他们的抨击使我感到了疼。Like the childhood BB shot in my leg and the roundhouse blow to my jaw, their attacks hurt.

今天我总算晓得被软弹气枪打中蛋蛋的觉得了,谢谢你了,老妈。Today, I learned what it felt like to get shot in the nuts by an airsoft gun. Thank you, Mom.

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一种杀伤力很弱的步枪,如BB气枪,用手动压缩的空气来射出很小的子弹。A low-powered rifle, such as a BB gun, that uses manually compressed air to fire small pellets.

在实际生产中,气枪阵列的远场子波测量需要耗费人力、物力,费用较高。In practice, the measurement of air-gun array need much time, manpower, material resource, and.

简介顶部出售气枪P90和在何处购买便宜的价格最高评分气枪P90信息。P90 " on " the top selling air guns, and where the highest score cheap prices to buy a gun information P90.