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作为奢侈品牌必须制造望洋兴叹的感觉。Often inaccessible as a luxury brand must make sense.

但如果空间面积过大,竹炭纤维也只能是望洋兴叹。However, if the space is too large, charcoal can only be always bemoans.

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后,在望洋兴叹之际,他自沉汨罗江,以明其忠贞卖国的。Later, in a time when no alternative, since Shen Miluo River of his loyalty to the motherland.

参加大型聚会,只能望洋兴叹,众多人群中不知哪个更适合自己,跟在路上陌生人相逢没什么两样。In big parties, they know many people, which is more suitable to meet in the way, and strangers.

但是Portnoy也指出,全文件侦察追踪漏洞的方法只有中国的研究员可以做到,而其他国家的研究员则只能望洋兴叹。But Portnoy says the Chinese researcher's full-file fuzzing catches bugs that other approaches can't.

地球生物只能对着那儿致密的星团和大质量气体尘埃望洋兴叹。Earthlings can only wonder at the dense star clusters and massive gas and dust clouds that reside there.

还在为企业的知名度小烦不胜烦?还在为上企业管理培训课的高昂费用而望洋兴叹?Are you still bored by your enterprise awareness or puzzled by the high expenses on business management training?

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比如,百慕大禁止安装灯光装饰,因此各种快餐店对这片岛屿只能望洋兴叹。For example, illuminated signs are forbidden, which has discouraged fast-food restaurants from coming to the island.

他们想买个单元房,但是上海的房地产泡沫让他们望洋兴叹,到时候他们就租个单元房住。They would like to buy a flat — at the moment they rent — but a housing bubble in Shanghai is making that difficult.

有了无数个拥有大量青年人才的我们自己的贝尔实验室和研发中心,我们还会在一些科研成果前望洋兴叹吗?With a myriad of our own Bell Labs and research & development centres filled with our young geniuses, will we succumb to high-tech embargoes ?

读得慢在将来科学研究或其他技术工作中大量需要英文为载体的信息资料时就只能望洋兴叹。Read slowly in the future, scientific research or other technical work, a lot needs English as the carrier of information and often inaccessible when.

面对世界上现代科学技术的迅速发展,我们不应该望洋兴叹。相反地,我们应该奋发图强,迎头赶上。In the face of the fast development of modern science in the world, we should not feel powerless and frustrated, contrarily we should work hard to keep up with them.

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面对世界上现代科学技术的迅速发展,我们不应该望洋兴叹.相反地,我们应该奋发图强,迎头赶上.In face of the rapid development of modern science and technology in the world, we shouldn’t feel powerless and frustrated. Instead, we should go all out to catch up.

而饭店餐饮要与社会餐馆竞争虽有一些不能等同比较的制约条件,但这并不意味着饭店就只能望洋兴叹,束手待毙。Hotels and restaurants catering to the community and not the same competition although some comparisons constraints, but this does not mean that the hotel will only slide, wait to die.