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对于我们自由主义者来说,这是糟糕的一天。It's a bad day for us liberals.

还有没自由主义者要加入。Other libertarians who will join.

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他同自由主义者结盟。He aligned himself withthe liberals.

他同自由主义者结盟。He aligned himself with the liberals.

约翰本身可是当时的一大自由主义者。And he was the big liberal of his day.

自由主义者是民主的受保护者。Libertarians are the dhimmis of democracy.

彼得?德尔森自命为贸易自由主义者。PETER MANDELSON is an avowed trade liberal.

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我们在那儿创建一个自由主义阵营。We'll create a libertarian corner over here.

放任自由主义者想要如何对待移民?How do libertarians want to handle immigration?

上次我们讲到自由主义。We were talking last time about libertarianism.

其斗争的结果是一种新式的激进的极端自由主义。A new and radical permissiveness was the result.

同时他在国内发布自由主义的政令。He also issued liberal ukases on the home front.

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自由主义白痴们改变了,但却变得更糟。The libtard morons got change but for the worse.

你如何调和这个选择与自由主义?How do you reconcile this choice with liberalism?

自由主义严肃对待个人权利。Libertarianism takes individual rights seriously.

自由主义非常重视个人权利。Libertarianism takes individual rights seriously.

那么,食尸鬼侵入之后,自由主义者会怎样呢?And what would liberals do after a ghoul invasion?

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密尔既是一个功利主义者,更是一个自由主义者。Mill is a utilitarian and he is also a liberalist.

即我所谓的,霍式自由主义。Let me call it for the moment Hobbesian liberalism.

他们都是主持这些新自由主义政策。They are presiding over these neo-liberal policies.