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城市是个巨大的东拼西凑的现实。The city is a huge patchwork of realities.

她东拼西凑,弄出了一餐很不错的午饭来。She made up a good lunch from bits and pieces.

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他用了不到三个月的时间就东拼西凑地编了一部短篇小说集。He quilted together a collection of short stories within three months.

开始时他们没有多少生活必需品,所以只好东拼西凑。They had few essential supplies, to begin with, so they had to improvise.

东拼西凑,一个散发着香气的花枕终于做好了。Put all sorts of things together, a fragrance of flower pillow was finally done.

邯钢花了好几年时间来把它从欧洲进口的旧设备,整合到其东拼西凑的生产线。It took Hangang several years to integrate this equipment into its patchwork of production lines.

我们东拼西凑,备齐旅费前往参加这次活动,因为我们迫切希望我们的声音能被听到。We had all scraped together the resources to travel to this event, as we were desperate to be heard.

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听起来就像我当时正在做的,不过他已经提出了方法论,而我正在想办法东拼西凑。It sounded like what I was doing, except he had the methodology, while I was supergluing and duct taping.

要么是牵强地硬变,要么是东拼西凑不能协调的无奈之举。Either change hard forcedly, the act of the helplessness of the coordination that or can't scrape together.

当股价大幅上涨时,时事评论员东拼西凑各种理由来解释为什么股价上涨甚至会涨得更多。When share prices have already risen a lot, commentators scramble for reasons why they should rise even further.

当你在课堂呼呼大睡,作业东拼西凑,上课迟到早退,你拿什么区丰满你的理想。How can you promote your dream while you sleeping at class, not serious on homework, late to school and leave earlier.

这方面是一个东拼西凑的菠萝种植,放牧性能和澳洲坚果农场,在不同阶段的增长。This area is a patchwork of pineapple plantations , grazing properties and macadamia farms at various stages of growth.

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史密斯和博伊尔构在想出CCD工作原理之后,没过几个月就东拼西凑地造出了第一台样机,如上图所示。The very first prototype, pieced together months after Smith and Boyle laid out its working principles, is pictured above.

但请记住提供有效的解决方案需要的不仅仅是谷歌和一些东拼西凑的表格。But keep in mind that offering effective solutions requires more than just a Google search and a few thrown-together spreadsheets.

弱势和处境危险的儿童将继续得到他们所期待的来自世界最富有国家东拼西凑的悲哀的服务。Underprivileged and at-risk children will continue to receive the sad patchwork services they’ve come to expect from the world’s richest nation.

有好几年的时间,他们夫妻俩频繁搬家,一边干着他们所能找到的各种工作,一边在不同的学校里学习,东拼西凑地争取拿到学位。For years, the couple moved constantly, taking whatever jobs they could find while trying to cobble together degrees at one school after another.

在过去的几个月里,我曾睡在朋友家的沙发上,在城际巴士上完成稿件,靠着东拼西凑来缴纳租房的保证金。For the past few months, I've been sleeping on friends' sofas, meeting copy deadlines on intercity coaches, attempting to scrape together the money for a deposit while house-hunting.

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1940年,在他还是一名纳粹占领下的海牙市的一位少年时,他就把搜寻来的零件东拼西凑,制成简易收音机,对此他谦虚地说“用小玩意儿来为问题儿童教养院的孩子们打造一个家”。In 1940, as a teenager in The Hague under Nazi occupation, he cobbled together scavenged parts to make simple radios and, as he modestly put it, "equipped the parental home with various gadgets".

它所采取的方法是先认定中国有“窃缺行为,然后主观臆造、东拼西凑甚至蓄意捏造。It uses the method of first maintaining that China displays the behavioral pattern of "stealing', and then fabricating facts subjectively by scraping together deliberately concocted information."