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因此便有了爱滋病这个病名。Hence came the name Aids.

建立红丝带中心,消灭爱滋病病毒!Set up red riband centre, perish HIV.

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爱滋病是经由不用安全套的性接触传染。HIV is passed on by sex without condoms.

这就是我们现在在爱滋病病毒演变中所看到的情况”。And that is what we are seeing in this case.

巴尔迪摩先生,爱滋病的传播程度有多严重?How serious is the AIDS epidemic, Mr. Barltimore?

爱滋病和癌症是折磨人类的疾病。AIDS and cancer are maladies that afflict humanity.

红丝带是用来表示对爱滋病的关怀。The red ribbon is meant to signify concern for AIDS.

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德茜娜患了爱滋病,终有一天我将会失去她。Dasey had AIDS and, one day, I was going to lose her.

人类会感染两种爱滋病病毒--爱滋病病毒1型和爱滋病病毒2型。Two species of HIV can infect humans—HIV-1 and HIV-2.

生化学家正在作研究探讨爱滋病的成因。Biochemists are doing research into the causes of AIDS.

在德茜患爱滋病的这些年,她总是信任我。Dasey had always trusted me during her years with AIDS.

著名的网球运动员亚瑟•阿什因患爱滋病即将去世。Arthur Ashe, the famous tennis player was dying of AIDS.

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生化学家正在做研究探讨爱滋病的成因。Biochemists are making research into the causes of AIDS.

结核病成为最常见的爱滋病界定疾病。Tuberculosis is becoming the commonest AIDS-defining illness.

本季度卫生署共收到九十八个爱滋病病毒感染个案。HIV infections were reported to DH in the fourth quarter of 2006.

这是一个对抗非洲爱滋病和贫穷问题的非营利组织。It is a non-profit organization fighting AIDS and poverty in Africa.

这很有可能的是爱滋病病毒以前多次入侵美洲。It is possible that HIV made many incursions into the United States.

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他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的病征。He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals.

爱滋病最早的记录停留在1950年代的刚果河流域。HIV can be traced back to villages along the Congo River in the 1950's.

二零零六年世界爱滋病日的主题为「坚守承诺共抗爱滋」。The main theme of World AIDS Day 2006 was "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise".