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妇女运动在这里还没有真正深入人心。Women's movement has not really penetrated here.

联合进化已经在发现者们中间深入人心。Co-evolution was on the minds of the discoverers.

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你塑造的魅力形象已经深入人心,这点是否给你一些困扰?Do you get bothered by being labelled a heart-throb?

与此同时,一种不同形式的平民主义开始深入人心。Meanwhile, a different form of populism was taking root.

众所周知桶装水已深入人心。As well known barrels water has truck root in people's heart.

对于他们来说,轨道炮一个世纪以来早已深入人心。For their part, railguns have been around for nearly a century.

没有一种理论能像泛灵论这样深入人心。There is no theory which could go deep into human's mind except animism.

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深入人心的见证不容易作,却能造益许多人。The difficult path of witness that goes deep can be helpful to many people.

如果此种思想得以深入人心,我相信,结果将是可怕的The consequences of the victory of such ideas, I believe, would be enormous.

从思想意识和根源上使安全第一的方针入耳入脑,深入人心。From the ideology and roots to make safety first approach attracts the People.

学习数学以及物理知识的重要性已经深入人心。It was really drilled home the importance of studying mathematics and physics.

“天下一家”的概念从此深入人心,我们都是创造光明的一份子。We are the world, We are the children, We are the ones who make a brighter day.

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在西格蒙德•弗洛伊德之前,没有近代的科学家如此深入人心。Before Sigmund Freud, no modern scientist had looked so deeply into the human mind.

婚姻观念以及任何普遍深入人心的宗教信条都是独断的。The ideal of marriage is dogmatic, and as socially pervasive as any religious belief.

许多事情一定要得到优先考虑,可持续发展模式的新理念必须深入人心。New priorities need attention. New patterns of sustainability needed to be inculcated.

他说,中尼友好深入人心。He said China-Nepal friendship has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples.

在日本,这个代表着舒适的象印商标已深入人心。In Japan, the brand, Zojirushi, which represents comfort has been impressed on everyone.

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的确,我们不可能总是确定的说谁做了什么为什么这么做,这使得此书深入人心。Indeed, that we can’t always know for sure who did what or why becomes a powerful theme.

本文表明,市民社会自给自足这一普遍深入人心的神话根本没有事实基础。The so- called self- sufficiency of civil society is a myth that never has a foundation.

“正面”传闻带给人们希望,因此能快速传播,深入人心。"Positive" news gives people hope, which can quickly spread, become deeply held beliefs.