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她看起来并不信服。She looked unconvinced.

也许您还不太信服我刚才介绍的这些技术。Perhaps you are not convinced.

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但是其他人并不那么信服。But others are not so convinced.

然而那位老前辈并未信服。The grand old man was not convinced.

你虽然善辩,但我仍然不够信服。You argue well, still I am not convinced.

那辩论并没有完全让我信服。That argument doesn't convince me totally.

但是他们的爱情故事让我信服了。But later I was convinced by their romance.

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随机对照试验更有信服力。Randomized controlled trials carry more weight.

强迫永远不会使他们信服。Compulsion will never result in convincing them.

这位律师强有力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

此刻我必须使他信服,然后我定杀了他。Now I must convince him and then I must kill him.

为权力辩护的理论基础一定要让公民信服才行。The rationales for power must convince the citizens.

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我们这些客人都信服了你们的决心。Vistors like us are convinced of your determination.

要让他们信服你是对的还要费点劲。You'll have a job convincing them that you're right.

我怎么能使你相信服麻醉药的危险呢?How can I convince you of the dangers of drug- taking?

里皮也承认,他的队伍还远远不能让人信服。Lippi also admitted his team were far from convincing.

使我真正信服的是ORAC图表。What really convinced me was a look at the ORAC chart.

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但是现在我对这项工作的价值更加信服。But I am more convinced than ever of the value of that.

杰克叫尼娜放心,他女儿处境安全,但并不足以令尼娜信服。He assures her unconvincingly that his daughter is safe.

帅飘又开始晓之以理,让林部长信服自己的能力。Began to handsome, convinced forest minister of his ability.