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疏风解表,清热解毒。用于外感风热,发热,头痛,咳嗽音哑,咽喉肿痛。For fever, headache, cough, hoarse voice, and swelling and pain in the throat.

你描述的症状,大多是由于内热引起的外感。The symptoms you describe, most of them arising as a result of exogenous heat.

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举其验案五则,以说明薛师临床灵活运用和解分消兼融法治疗外感热病、内伤杂病的经验。Here are five examples to show the experience of Professor Xue to treat different diseases.

结论热毒宁注射液是治疗外感风热证的安全有效的药物。Conclusion Reduning injection is effective and safe in treatment of Wind- Heat -Evil Syndrome.

所以,元首阁下,行动起来,让我们抖落掉文化的媚外感,让世界变得更美丽。So come on Mr. President, let's shake off this cultural cringe and make the world more beautiful.

本病首当分辨外感咳嗽和内伤咳嗽。This sickness works as the resolution external disease factors cough and the internal injury cough.

临床常用于外感风寒表证、咳喘、呕吐、疮疡、痹证等炎症相关疾病的治疗。It is frequently used for treating Exterior Syndrome and some diseases associated with inflammation.

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汗法在临床上不仅用于外感表证,还用于多种杂病的治疗。Perspiration is not only used to cure exterior syndrome, but also many kinds of miscellaneous diseases.

结论CRP、PA的检测对普外感染病人的诊断有一定价值。Conclusion The detection of CRP and PA is helpful for diagnosis of patients with general surgical infection.

目的观察中药清肺饮治疗急性上呼吸道感染中医辨证外感风热感冒的疗效。OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of the Qingfei decoction in the acute upper respiratory tract infections.

外感高热属小儿常见中医急症,王老用药浴、推拿配合内论文发表服疗效理想。Exogenous high fever is a common pediatric emergency medicine, Wong Lo medicine bath, massage with good oral efficacy.

不仅容易被外感、内伤诸种病因伤害而致病。Not only easily by external disease factors, internal injury various kind of cause of disease injury, but pathogenesis.

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因此,不论是寒邪或是热邪所导致的外感热病,均可因疾病发生转化,出现相类似的证候。So, no matter the cold evil or warm evil caused externally contracted heat disease, it can transform the same syndrome.

通过计算分析出其载流量不平衡的主要原因是同相两根并联电缆的外感值不等。The reasons causing the current carrying capability imbalance of two same phases parallel cables are analyzed and calculated.

六经辨证是中医辨证外感病的一种辨证方法。Differentiation of syndromes acording to the theory of six meridians is a method of differentiating exogenous diseases in TCM.

叶老统计分析420例急性肾炎,大多数病例的发病与外感风邪有关。Among the 420 cases of Elymus acute nephritis analysed by Ye, most cases of the disease are related to exogenous pathogenic wind.

总而言之,外感热病的证候表现,可因六淫以及患者体质的差异而有所不同。In a word, a syndrome of externally contracted heat disease varies with the six exogenous factors and the constitution of the patient.

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中医药治疗外感咳嗽积累了大量的临床经验,具有优势。Plenty of clinical experience has been accumulated in the therapy of exogenous cough with Chinese medicine, which has many advantages.

拉涅利对于特雷泽盖被排除在法国队阵容外感到困惑不解,因为这位尤文锋线杀手在本赛季意甲联赛中表现出众。Ranieri was left baffled with Trezeguet's exclusion from the France squad after the Juve hit-man had a great campaign in Serie A this term.

由桂枝、芍药生姜、大枣、甘草配制的桂枝汤,专治外感风邪、发热头痛等症。桂根味甘微涩。The cassia twig, peony, licorice, ginger and jujube with Guizhi Decoction Treating wind evil, fever, headache. GUI root sweet puckery taste.