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而这在很大程度上是畅通无阻。And that's largely been unhindered.

如今求知之路畅通无阻。The path to knowledge is now unbarred.

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身体的自我修复功能畅通无阻。The healing energies of the body work unhindered.

设备与墙之间是否畅通无阻?Are aisles between equipment and walls unobstructed?

必须保持通往出口的通道畅通无阻。Unobstructed passageways leading to exits shall be maintained.

这如同幽灵的粒子在地球上畅通无阻。The ghostly particles pass through our planet totally unimpeded.

你可以为自己铺设一条畅通无阻的道路因为你自己就是那个决定人。You can have the perfect path because you’re the one that decides it.

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国际长途,商务传真,无线网络畅通无阻。International long distance, business fax, wireless networks unimpeded.

在一些大型车辆禁止通行的大都市,它也可以畅通无阻。It is also allowed in certain metropolitan areas that larger cars are not.

我们出发时路上车很拥挤,但一会儿就畅通无阻了。The road got busy when we started off but was plain sailing after a while.

他的名字能够保证他畅通无阻的与市场中的政界商界要人接上头。His name guarantees him access to their most powerful politicians and businessmen.

全球媒体的关注在畅通无阻的援助背后起到了推动作用。The driving force behind the free flowing aid has been the global media attention.

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如果你戴耳塞的安全,他们也可以提供一个畅通无阻的主动建议。If you wear earplugs for safety, they may also provide a barrier to unsolicited advice.

在不断升温的留学潮中,英语等级证书是畅通无阻的通行证。The steadily rising tide of the students, English grading certificate is smooth passes.

在温切斯特战斗之后,李将军的军队一路畅通无阻,进入宾夕法尼亚州的坎伯兰山谷。After Winchester, Lee's army moved unchecked into the Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania.

宽阔的马路畅通无阻的纵横在名叫康巴什的新城。Broad boulevards are unimpeded by traffic in the new district, called Kangbashi New Area.

为了使声音传播畅通无阻,银幕上还有成千上万个小孔。In order to spread the sound barrier-free, there are thousands of small holes on the screen.

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我们两国都是海洋国家,具有漫长的海岸线,经济依赖与畅通无阻的贸易。We’re both maritime nations with long coastlines and economies dependent on unhindered trade.

依照惯例,每位皇帝可以为自己建造一座陵墓,以确保通往天堂之路畅通无阻。It was custom for the emperor to build a mausoleum to ensure his own body’s journey to heaven.

它们之间的相互作用非常弱,这意味着它们能畅通无阻地穿过坚固的土地。They are very weakly interacting, which means that they can pass through solid earth unimpeded.