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水与水饱和的区域颜色由海军蓝至铁青色,植被是绿色的,云团是松绿色的,居民区呈现桃红色。Vegetation is green. Clouds are turquoise.

我们乘坐的飞机颠簸着穿过了那块云团。Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster.

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大块的云团向这里移来。Large masses of clouds was moving towards here.

当云团状物质塌缩的时候,恒星就诞生了。Stars are born when a cloud of material collapses.

在最初膨胀之后,云团开始收缩。After initially growing, the cloud began to shrink.

还会使云团疏散,降低可燃物的质量。It also disperses the cloud and reduces the flammable mass.

如卫星云图所示,小块云团的结构正好和预报结果一样。As the satellite image shows, the tiny clouds formed as predicted.

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欧特云团距太阳1光年距离。The Oort Cloud is thought to extend about 1 light year from the Sun.

新疆降雹云团尺度小、形状不规则、云顶温度较高。In Xinjiang, hail clouds were small scale, irregular figure, high TBB.

突然一道闪光过后,一团稠密如棉花的云团出现在法师面前。A cloud sparkled into life before him, a cloud that thickened like cotton.

堆起的云团呈圆形,其被模糊的灰白色烟雾所笼罩。The towering cloud is circular. It is surrounded by hazy, gray-white smoke.

星云是由尘埃、氢气、氦气和等离子体构成的星际云团。A nebula an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, helium gas and plasma.

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塔里木盆地降雹云团尺度小、形状不规则、云顶温度较高。In Tarim Basin, hail clouds were small scale, irregular figure and high TBB.

再往上看就是一片清澈的天空,大朵大朵羊毛般的云团一动不动地吊在上面。and beyond that great woolly clouds floated almost motionless in a clear sky.

风暴西侧和北侧的云团挟带了强降雪。The dense clouds on the north and west side of the storm carried intense snow.

每隔30至70天云团便绕地球一周,形成了自己的干湿循环。It circles the globe once every 30 to 70 days, leading to its own wet-dry cycle.

在曼特尔兵站附近有一团稠密的类似彗星的云团绕行星转动,就是这个大赛的集结地。A dense cometary cloud orbits near Ord Mantell, and is the staging grounds for the race.

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在高斯烟羽模型的基础上,对核事故中放射性云团在大气中的扩散规律进行了研究。The diffusion of radio-nuclides in atmosphere was studied on the basis of Gaussian Model.

但天空中云团滚滚,环境光线也在直射和散射的阳光间交替。But spotty clouds rolled in and the ambient light fluctuated between direct and diffused sun.

发光的亮结是致密的云团块,源自激波后方的不稳定性。The bright glowing knots are dense clumps from instabilities that form behind the shock wave.