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地下根状茎的结构类似地上茎的结构。The structure of rhizoma was the same as that of aerial shoot.

地上茎一年生,维管束排成一圈,纤维含量低。The aerial stem is annual and has a ring of vascular bundle and low fiber content.

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在健康的百合鳞茎、地上茎、叶和幼胚等组织的细胞中发现了“内生菌”。An endophytic bacteria was found in the cells of sound lily's bulbs, stem, leaf and embryo.

也有些地方把菊芋地上茎叶部分作为牲畜的青饲料,因而经济附加值很低。Sometimes the stems and leaves are used for stock feed with a low economic additional value.

地上茎有发达的髓腔,而地下茎是由薄壁细胞构成的髓部。There are rich pith cavity in the terrestrial stem and parenchyma cells constitute pith in rhizome.

结果淫羊藿苷在叶片中含量最高,地上茎最低。RESULTS The glycoside content of Epimedium was found the highest in leaves, the lowest in the stems.

结果表明,淫羊藿苷在叶片中含量最高,地上茎最低。The results show that the glycoside content of Epimedium is the highest in leaves, but the lowest in the stems.

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藜蒿地上茎和地下茎均具分泌囊,并分布在皮层。The aerial stem and the underground stem of A. selengensis all had secretory cavity which was distributed on the cortex.

绿色蔬菜会在地上茎中制造生成大量营养素,它们被送入根部使得蔬菜产生最大程度的营养。The greens provide loads of nutrients produced in the stems above ground that are sent into the roots leading to vegetables of maximum nutritional value.

采用常规石蜡切片法,对鱼腥草的药用部位地上茎、根状茎和叶进行了解剖学观察。Conventional paraffin sectioning was adopted to conduct the anatomical examination of the officinal organs of Houttuynia cordata, stems, rhizomes and leaves.