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它们将抵消现代化的益处,并将耗尽资财。They cancel out the benefits of modernization. They break the bank.

人的资财,使他生命的赎价,穷乏人却听不见威吓的话。Wealth is a ransom for a person's life, but the poor get no threats.

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他们总是等待并要求得到更多资财的倾向让林肯总统甚感不快。Their inclination to wait and demand more resources desolated President Lincoln.

你卖了你的子民,也不赚利。所得的价值,并不加添你的资财。Thou sellest thy people for nought, and dost not increase thy wealth by their price.

她是一位年仅14岁的百万富翁,她的资财估计能达到10亿美元。She is a 14 year old millionaire many times over with a franchise estimated at 1 billion dollars.

那个无耻的干部因任意挥霍国家资财而受到严厉制裁。The unscrupulous cadre was severely punished for making away with the wealth of the state at will.

你靠自己的大智慧和贸易增添资财,又因资财心里高傲。By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches

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布施是要一个人超越一般要求、惯例或期望而尽最大力量施舍自己的资财。An act of generosity entails giving more than is required, customary, or expected relative to one's resources and circumstances.

我决定立刻就开业,不必等候通常的所谓经费了,就动用我手上已经有的一点儿微薄的资财吧。I determined to go into business at once, and not wait to acquire the usual capital, using such slender means as I had already got.

神赐人资财丰富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的份,在他劳碌中喜乐,这乃是神的恩赐。Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work-this is a gift of God.

在这期间,有许多青年贵族觊觎他的财产,住在他家喧宾夺主,尽情消耗他的资财,向他的妻子求婚。In this period, there are many young noble coveted his property, live in his house, and the leading role of his wealth to consumption, his wife to marry him.

希西家大有尊荣资财,建造府库,收藏金银,宝石,香料,盾牌,和各样的宝器Hezekiah had very great riches and honor, and he made treasuries for his silver and gold and for his precious stones, spices, shields and all kinds of valuables.

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就是人蒙神赐他资财,丰富,尊荣,以致他心里所愿的一样都不缺,只是神使他不能吃用,反有外人来吃用。God gives a man wealth, possessions and honor, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires, but God does not enable him to enjoy them, and a stranger enjoys them instead.

奥巴马总统签署总统令冻结四个朝鲜公民及八家朝鲜公司的资财,这些举措也是从某种程度上惩罚朝鲜击沉韩国军舰的行径。President Barack Obama signed an executive order to freeze the US assets of four North Korean citizens and eight firms in part to punish it for the sinking of a South Korean warship.

反逆罪有时因政治情势改变而获得平反,此时已没官的资财除非得到皇帝的特别允许,不在返还之限。The crime of treason could sometimes be annulled due to political changes. In such a case, the confiscated goods would be returned to the family only under special authorization of the emperor.