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麦凯恩在2000年曾在此饮恨与乔治-布什结下一剑之仇。McCain was defeated here in 2000 by George W. Bush.

那个叫夜饮恨的是什么人?The make the night nurse a grievance of is what person?

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利物浦最近两次在安菲尔德都让曼狗饮恨而归。Liverpool have won their last two meetings with Manchester United at Anfield.

当卫冕冠军曼联饮恨安菲尔德,利物浦将会把差距缩小到四分。The Reds can reduce their arrears to four points when Alex Ferguson's league leaders travel to Anfield.

美国最终在越南饮恨而归不能归咎于压倒性的火力,而是战略与战术。Andits tactics and strategy, not overwhelming firepower, that caused U. S. to ultimately lose the war in Vietnam.

如果魔术师或者乔丹一直扮演着萨克拉门托这样的角色而一直饮恨七年的话,他们也许也会到其它地方寻求帮助。Had Magic or Mike been playing with Reggie Theus ' Sacramento supporting cast for seven years, they might have sought help elsewhere.

但是在第三轮,当意大利遇到东道主时,尽管巴乔在点球决战中第一个射中,意大利还是再次饮恨出局。However in the third round, when the Italian met the host, although Baggio scored the first during the penalty shootout, Italy was once again kicked out.

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虽然小将马切达在第81分钟为曼联扳回一城,但最终红魔还是在主场饮恨。Manchester United were fuming with the decision and the goal ultimately decided the match after Federico Macheda replied for the home side on 81 minutes.

虽然在比赛中场面占优,且获得了比对手更多的机会,但枪手还是无法将优势转化为胜势,最终因为巴顿在半场结束前射入的一粒点球输掉比赛饮恨而归。Arsenal had the lion's share of the possession and opportunities at Eastlands but slipped to defeat after Joey Barton converted a penalty just before the interval.

去年在冠军杯决赛与曼联的比赛中,特里错失价值千金的点球,今年他们又在半决赛饮恨巴塞罗那。Chelsea lost last year's final on penalties after Terry missed a costly spot-kick against Manchester United and they lost out this year to Barcelona in the semi-final.

利物浦周二佛罗伦萨击败里昂以法国球队携手出线,而利物浦只能饮恨小组出局。Liverpool crashed out of Europe's premier competition on Tuesday after Fiorentina beat Lyon to ensure their progress alongside the French club into the knockout stages.

“这些游戏汇集马里奥和音,在视频游戏行业的历史上最心爱的字符的两个”任天堂的美国总统饮恨父子公司-艾梅说。“"These games bring together two of the most beloved characters in the history of the video game industry in Mario and Sonic, " said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime.

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尽管首回合双方互交白卷,次回合萨尔皮吉迪斯31分钟的进球确保希腊搭上明年世界杯的航班,而没有征召沃罗宁的乌克兰只能饮恨出局。After a goalless first leg, Dimitris Salpigidis' decisive 31st minute strike ensured it will be the Greeks travelling to South Africa in 2010 – and not a Ukraine side who were without Andriy Voronin.