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赢得尊重有了威信会让你事半功倍。Winning respect enhances all you do.

她在群众中享有很高威信。He has high prestige among the masses.

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她在群众中享有很高威信。She enjoyed high prestige among the masses.

桂的威信也不会丧失对当代日本。Katsura's prestige is not lost on contemporary Japan.

他的敌人在散布谣言来暗中破坏他的威信。His enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.

不过,另外一些国家正在崛起,它们定将分享影响与威信。But other nations are emerging, set on sharing influence and prestige.

善于人际交往,在同窗中有较高的威信。Be expert in human communication , have higher prestige in the schoolmate.

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这次失败会使总统的威信和权力受到影响,这的确是事实。It is true that this will have some disempowering effect on the president.

树立他们的威信来反对那个专治,这是美国人民不可改变的事实。The American people have unalterably set their faces against that tyranny.

总理的崇高威信在人民的心中树立起来。The high prestige of the premier is radicated in the hearts of the people.

在这里你可以与最厉害的人竞争,并为自己建立威信。Here you can build a reputation for yourself competing with the best of the best.

约翰位高权重,但缺乏一个领导人应有的威信。John holds positional power, but he lacks the personal authority of a real leader.

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你也许认为居高临下的和同事讲话可以建立你的威信,但是高傲的态度并不会让你看起来更强,反而会让你的同事憎恨你。You may think talking down to your co-workers will build you up, but a condescending

缺少威信,就不能指挥士卒去战胜敌人。If the conditions of diminished awesomeness prevail, the people will not be victorious.

以世卫组织的威信发表的这类公开声明可以发挥极为重要的作用。Such public statements, backed by the authority of WHO, can make a world of difference.

作为CEO,我认为最糟糕的事就是乱猜。你的威信就彻底没了。I knew the worst thing you can do as a CEO is to guess wrong. You credibility goes to zero.

虽然信用危机已经度过了第一年,但是中央银行的威信还是存在危机。As the crunch grinds past its first anniversary, central banks' credibility is still at risk.

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身为白宫“第一御厨”无疑会享有很高的声望和威信,但这份工作也很折磨人。Being the supreme chef at the White House got the higest fame, But this job is also tortured.

只有你在你的社区建立了威信之后你才会变的可信。Your will become believable only after you have established trust among those in your community.

这位新君王的特质为何,他又如何不同于,较传统模式的君权政治威信?of this new prince and how does he differ from ? more conventional modes of political authority?