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图为在西澳洲鲨鱼湾的海草中觅食的儒艮。A dugong forages in the seagrass meadows of Shark Bay, Western Australia.

如今,儒艮已经被保护起来,但是它们的数目情况还是危险。Dugongs are now protected, but their population status remains precarious.

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哺乳动物中海牛目中一科包括儒艮和斯特勒儒艮。A family of mammals of order Sirenia including dugongs and Steller's sea cow.

它们中的许多都是大型哺乳动物,比如犀牛、貘、大象、儒艮和海牛。Many are large animals, such as rhinos, tapirs, elephants, dugongs and manatees.

纳布和潘克洛夫已经把儒艮身上的脂肪全部取下来,装在大陶土罐里了。Neb and Pencroft had taken away the fat from the dugong, and placed it in large earthen pots.

它可能是水手的美人鱼故事的启示,儒艮与大象是密切相关的。Possibly the inspiration for mariners' tales of mermaids, dugongs are closely related to elephants.

可以租用木制长尾船游览诸岛,还能看到濒危物种儒艮。Wooden longtail boats can be rented to travel between the islands -- and to see the endangered dugongs.

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为此,亟待采取有效的管理措施和健全管理机制,加强对儒艮资源及其栖息地的保护。Effective measures and an integrated management system are needed to conserve dugongs and their habitats.

一位幼小的儒艮约在18个月左右的时间内仍然靠在它母亲的附近,有时也会骑在它母亲广阔的背脊上,游一段较长的路程。A young dugong remains close to its mother for about 18 months, sometimes catching a ride on her broad back.

儒艮目前在整个范围内受到法律的保护,但其数量仍然处于贫乏的状态中。Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state.

究竟是什么两栖动物进行了骇人的袭击,把凶猛的儒艮咬死的呢?What could the amphibious creature have been, who, by this terrible blow had destroyed the formidable dugong?

在海底世界和鲨鱼一同潜水,与稀有的儒艮或海牛等海洋动物相遇。Dive with the Sharks at the Underwater World and meet a world of sea creatures including the rare dugong , or sea cow.

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虽然儒艮的尾巴意外地有些像鲸鱼,但却与海牛有关,在外观和行为上也与海牛相似。Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior— though the dugong's tail is fluked like a whale's.

儒艮有很多时间是单独生活或成对生活的,尽管有时我们也会看到它们成百地聚集为巨大的动物兽群。Dugongs spend much of their time alone or in pairs, though they are sometimes seen gathered in large herds of a hundred animals.

雌性儒艮怀孕一年后才会产出一个小儒艮,然后由母亲儒艮帮助没有经验的小儒艮穿出水面作第一次呼吸。Female dugongs have one calf after a yearlong pregnancy, and the mother helps her young reach the surface and take its first breath.

他打算揭穿那场水底战斗的秘密,证实一下究竟是什么怪兽使儒艮受到这么奇怪的创伤。He wished to penetrate the mystery of that submarine combat, and to ascertain what monster could have given the dugong so strange a wound.

儒艮是巨大的素食动物,从东非到澳大利亚,包括红海、印度洋和太平洋,它们分布在温暖的沿海水域里。These enormous vegetarians can be found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific.

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儒艮日日夜夜地吃着水下的草料,它们用多刺和敏感的鼻子来翻找,并用粗糙的嘴唇和牙齿反复不断地咀嚼这些草料。Dugongs graze on underwater grasses day and night, rooting for them with their bristled, sensitive snouts and chomping them with their rough lips.

该化石是在牙买加的七河被发现的,是一个海牛目的新种属,其中包括的祖先现代海牛和儒艮。The skeleton found in Seven Rivers, Jamaica, is a new genus and species of the order Sirenia, which encompasses the ancestors of modern-day manatees and dugongs.

湖水被鲜血染红了,儒艮从周围一片猩红色的湖水中浮了上来,很快就在湖南角的一小片沙滩上搁浅了。The water became red with blood, and the body of the dugong, emerging from the sheet of scarlet which spread around, soon stranded on a little beach at the south angle of the lake.