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男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。Men are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn.

男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded.

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怎么那么死脑筋?你别无选择啦!How can you be so stubborn?You have no other choice!

你会惊奇的发现即使是如同死脑筋般简单的技巧都会在女性在性方面对你的回应是多么的不同。You will be amazed that even these brain-dead simple tips

他不愿意接受任何新思想,是个地道的“死脑筋”。He is not willing to take in any new ideas. A ROM brain indeed.

那些罪犯一定是世界上最死脑筋的人了。These criminals must be the most brain dead people on the planet.

似乎明显地表示他拒绝先入为主,有偏见及死脑筋的念头。It seemed evidently that he refuses preconceptions, prejudice, and fixed ideas.

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一种简陋的死脑筋的看法认为一些地方的人——阿拉伯人,中国人和非洲人——与民主不搭调。A crude stereotype lingers that some people — Arabs, Chinese and Africans — are incompatible with democracy.

见鬼,这可能是让你这样死脑筋的人欣赏自己的工作,不再抱怨唯一的方法了。Heck, that might be the only way to make brain dead people like you appreciate the “work” you do have so you’ll quit whining about it.

在面对竞争者时,重新定义问题是个很有用的启发,因为死脑筋的人很难照做。Redefining the problem is a particularly juicy heuristic when you have competitors, because it's so hard for rigid-minded people to follow.

到头来,男人还是跟你第一次意识到他们存在时那样让人抓狂。男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。It turns out that men are just as frustrating now as they were when you first became aware of their existence. Men are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn.