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小肥猫客栈有着生态花园客栈的美称。Small fat cat has ecological garden hotel inn name.

翡翠赢得了“玉石之王”的美称!Jadeite has won the laudatory title of " jade king "!

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境内四季分明,气候宜人,物产丰富,素有西北“小江南”之美称。Tianshui has a pleasant climate and is rich in resources.

因此,土豆拥有“地下苹果”的美称。Therefore, potatoes have "underground apple" laudatory name.

音乐盒又有心灵疗养师的美称!The musical box also has the mind convalesces the laudatory name!

此外,我们还将参观小型的油棕榈树林场,亲眼看看享有“世界油王”美称的油棕。Also visit to the small holding oil palm estate to see the harvesting.

完美洁康芦荟超白牙膏,中医学称“象胆”,享有“神奇植物”之美称。Chinese medicine called "as bold, " enjoy the "magic plant" Reputation.

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因此,华丽环岛有都市中心的世外桃源这一美称。Thus, while the urban centres have Xanadu's Huandao the laudatory name.

人们能骑着骆驼横穿沙漠,所以骆驼有着沙漠之舟的美称。People to cross the desert on camels, the camel has a Desert Boat the name.

南非风景娟秀,天气温顺,有“彩虹之国”的美称。South Africa Has Beautiful Scenery, Mild Climate , "Rainbow Country"Good Name.

芜湖有个美称叫做“千湖之城”,因而是性水的。Wuhu has a good name is called "1000 Lake City", which is the nature of water.

连城县素有“中国红心地瓜干之乡”的美称。Liancheng County is known as "The township of sweet potato processing in China".

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“转折点就快到了。”55岁的工程师穆斯塔法·荷美称。"The turning point is coming soon, " said Mostafa Helmy, a 55-year-old engineer.

四川素有“天府之国”的美称。Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”.

具有“牧草之王”之美称的紫花苜蓿是种草养畜的首选草种。Named as the king of grazing grasses, alfalfa was the first choice of all grasses.

因此,巴厘岛素有“诗之岛”、“东方的希腊”的美称。Therefore, Bali has been called the "Poetry Island, " "East of Greece" reputation.

海南素有“天然温室、热带果园”美称。Sea the south vegetable contain beautiful" natural glasshouse , tropical orchard" call.

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公司座落在具有“天府之国”美称的成都平原,美丽的四川省省会城市——成都市的北大门。It is located the north gate of Chengdu, a Land of Abundance, the capital city of Sichuan.

相传,宙斯的儿子赫拉克勒斯,因力大无比,获得“大力神”的美称。According to legend, Hercules, the son of Zeus, got the name "Titan" for his great strength.

鼓浪屿上气候怡人,四季如春,素有海上花园的美称。With mild spring like weather all the year around, Gulangyu is reputed as a garden on the sea.